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Tylers POV

I let out another groan as I clutch my head.

Squeezing my eyes shut I quickly take off my t-shirt praying that it doesn't intensify the pain in my head. I then through the unusually damp top somewhere across the room.

Right now I am at that stupid school camping trip he made me go to. Fucking moron.

I don't know how long I've been like this for but all I know is that I was getting ready for dinner when I started to feel ill. It started as a small headache but now I'm full-on sweating and feeling sick and on top off that my headache has gotten a lot worse.

This might have to do with the fact that I haven't had my fix in what feels like days.

Fuck what I would do for a joint.

Or anything for the matter.

It turns out that my room is located away from the others due to it being a single room.

A sudden wave of nausea makes me let out another groan.

Quickly grabbing the bin that is beside the bed i spew my guts out into it. Ignoring the lamp I knocked over in the process. A huge wave of dizziness rolls over me due to my sudden movements which don't help the pain in my head.

Uhh, I hate being sick.

I let out out a helpless whimper as the pain in my head intensives enough to make my vision blurry.

I feel like I'm dying.

Or maybe I've already died and this is hell.



What the fuck?

Snapping my head towards the voice probably wasn't a good idea due to that fact that the dizziness hit me almost makes me blackout.

"Whoa" I clutch my head as everything spins around me.

I quickly blink my eyes to get rid of the dizziness when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, one hand rubbing my back.

Looking up I am stunned at how beautiful this woman is.

I mean I have seen and been with a lot of woman in my life but none, none what so ever have been this beautiful before. She looks like a goddess.

I think I just whimpered, And it wasn't out of pain.

"Are you okay baby?" The goddess of a woman asked.

If this is hell then I never want to leave.

"Sweetheart?" Oh, right she's talking to me.

I open my mouth to reply but it is slammed shut as another wave of nausea hits me.

Grabbing the bucket i upchuck the rest of the food that was in my stomach.

Her comforting words and the hand that is rubbing my back makes it a lot easier this time around. I wish she could be here every time I'm ill.

Once she has taken the bucket away from my grasp she gently pushes my shoulder back so I am lying in bed. The goddess then pulls the comforter up and over my body as chills sweep over me.

The sudden ringing in my ears stop me from hearing what she says next and I almost start crying when I can no longer feel her warmth.

No, come back. I mentally call out to her.

Something cold is placed on my head and is rubbed down to my cheek. Drowsily I open my eyes to see the woman greater than my dreams hovering over me, placing what seems to be a damp washcloth on my forehead.

Isn't this how a mother is supposed to treat there a child?

That is the last thought before everything goes black.

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