15 ┃ 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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You step into the HYBE building, your heart racing with a mix of nerves and excitement. Dressed in a denim romper paired with a black and white crocheted bunny-ear beanie, you're keenly aware of the transformation from an intruder to an insider.

The correct name tag around your neck feels like a shield, offering a semblance of belonging in this new world you're about to navigate.

As you make your way through the bustling corridors, the vibrant energy of the place is palpable, a stark contrast to the last time you were here.

Your eyes dart around, soaking in the details, from the diligent staff moving with purpose to the snippets of music that escape from half-open doors, each note a reminder of the creativity pulsating through the building.

Eventually, you reach a floor dedicated to the personal assistants of the idols—a stark testament to the hierarchy and glamour of the entertainment industry.

The hallway, lined with plaques, silently boasts the names of prominent assistants linked to their respective idols, the sheen on the brass plaques reflecting not just light but the prestige attached to their roles.

You pause in front of a door engraved with the name Jinji on a plaque shimmering under the bright hallway lights, indicating his association with Taehyung. With a steadying breath, you knock gently before stepping inside.

The office is a cozy, well-organized space, a stark contrast to the bustling hallway outside. Jinji, a man with a warm tan complexion that speaks of a rich mixed heritage, looks up from his desk, his grey hair a striking feature that adds to his youthful demeanor. He greets you with a friendly smile, his eyes crinkling in a way that immediately puts you at ease.

"Hello, you must be the new assistant I've heard about. I'm Jinji," he introduces himself, standing to shake your hand, his grip firm yet welcoming. "For the next week, I'll be showing you the ropes—everything from managing schedules to ensuring Taehyung's day runs smoothly."

He gestures to the organized chaos of his desk, where calendars, sticky notes, and multiple screens paint a picture of meticulous planning. "You'll learn to juggle these tasks," he explains, his grey eyes reflecting a mix of seriousness and approachability. "It's about staying two steps ahead, anticipating needs, and adapting on the fly."

As he outlines the training process, his words underline the transient nature of your role—temporary yet pivotal. "Once you're up to speed, you'll step in as Taehyung's public assistant. I'll be managing things from a more strategic angle, working remotely."

This revelation brings a new layer of understanding to your position. While you'll be the face associated with Taehyung in the public eye, Jinji remains the guiding hand behind the scenes, ensuring continuity and stability in the idol's professional life.

"Think of it as a partnership," Jinji concludes, offering a smile that bridges the gap between mentor and mentee. "We're here to make sure Taehyung can focus on what he does best. And starting today, that's partly in your hands. So, ready to get started?"

As you stride through the corridor beside Jinji, you clutch the schedule handed over by Shihyuk's PA, your mind buzzing with the new information and tasks at hand. Jinji, ever so efficient and brisk, briefs you on the finer points of Taehyung's daily routine, specifically noting his cholinergic urticaria.

"So, if you notice him starting to scratch or developing hives, especially after a performance or practice, it's essential to intervene quickly," Jinji explains, his tone serious yet informative. "Make sure he cools down and stays hydrated. It can flare up with excessive heat or stress."

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