22 ┃ 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞

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Weeks had passed since the strategy meeting, and the carefully planted breadcrumbs of your existence within the BTS ecosystem had flourished into a full-blown narrative captivating the fandom.

Clips of you singing alongside Jungkook, crafting beats with Yoongi, and being the spirited cheerleader during Hoseok and Jimin's dance practices had subtly woven your presence into the fabric of HYBE's artistic community. But among these snippets, the ones featuring you and Taehyung, collaborating on his new song, resonated most deeply with fans, sparking curiosity and anticipation.

In a private meeting with Shihyuk, the ambiance was heavy with anticipation and underlying excitement. As you sat across from him, he laid out the plan that had been set into motion due to the positive feedback your hidden presence had garnered within the BTS ecosystem.

"Seeing the response we've received," Shihyuk began, his voice steady but imbued with a hint of enthusiasm, "we've decided it's time for you to step into the limelight."

He explained that your official unveiling was scheduled at the upcoming actor award ceremony. You and Taehyung were slated to perform the OST live, capitalizing on the buzz surrounding one of the main leads from the drama who was nominated for a prestigious award.

The news landed like a thunderclap, sending a rush of contrasting emotions through you. Pride swelled within your chest at the recognition and validation of your contributions. Yet, alongside it, nerves began to dance wildly, intertwining with spikes of anxiety and tendrils of fear.

However, amidst the storm of feelings, a bright beam of happiness shone through, a testament to the journey you had embarked on and the new chapter that was about to begin.

You nodded, taking a deep breath, the reality of the situation sinking in. "Thank you," you managed to say, your voice a mix of gratitude and determination, "I'll be ready."

As you left the meeting, the weight of the forthcoming revelation settled on your shoulders, a blend of daunting responsibility and exhilarating opportunity. With thoughts of possibly venting to your father swirling in your mind, you returned to the apartment. However, the scene that greeted you was far from what you expected.

There, in what should have been a quiet living room, was your father, deep in conversation with Seora, both engrossed in the drama unfolding on the television screen.

As you step closer, the context of their discussion becomes clearer. They're watching a particularly intense episode of the Bad Girls Club, a scene charged with conflict and confrontation. Your father, ever the inquisitive one, is trying to grasp the nuances of reality TV drama.

"So that girl, Stacy—" he begins, attempting to piece together the storyline.

"Stasi," Seora corrects him without taking her eyes off the screen.

"Yes, Stasi. She's beating up the other girl because she poured out her bleach?" he continues, trying to understand the gravity of the situation.

"Yup," Seora confirms, just as invested in the episode. "And also because Shelly put nail polish remover in her contact solution." 

"What?!" Your father's voice was a mix of shock and disbelief, clearly appalled by the revelation.

"I know, right?!" Seora responds, sharing in the astonishment.

The absurdity of the situation, your father—a man of logic and reason—trying to make sense of reality TV antics, brings a smile to your face, a brief respite from the storm of your own reality. Clearing your throat to announce your presence, you catch your father's attention, who immediately lights up, his smile beaming as he rises to greet you with a warm, enveloping hug.

𝐍𝐎 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 ᵏᵗʰWhere stories live. Discover now