Tooth Necklace

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Reaching into the dark sack your fingers brush against something smooth but it also has a slight point on the end.

Curious, you take a grasp on it before pulling it out of the bag to get a better look. 

It's a necklace with a large animal-like tooth attached to it.

I hope no animals were hurt in order to make this thing.

"Drake!" Nami blurts out, waving her free hand toward the brunette who was sat with Doflamingo, it would seem the two have become somewhat acquainted tonight. "You're up!"

You rise to your feet, watching Drake enter the closet before following him inside, you honestly don't know the brunette too well so you're a little nervous. 

Once the doors close behind you, you hand the necklace back to it's rightful owner. 

"What is it? A tiger tooth or something?" You're definitely the curious sort but at least it doesn't seem to bother the stranger, he shakes his head calmly as he slips the neck decoration into the pocket of his jacket.

"It's supposed to be a dinosaur tooth, I don't think it's real though. I got it from the museum earlier today but I wasn't planning to wear it. Necklaces irritate me, I just liked how it looks." There's a subtle smile on his face as he gazes down at the ground with a slight glimmer in his eyes. "I might just hang it on my notice board when I get home."

"Oh? A fan of dinosaurs, huh?" He frowns somewhat at your question but nods his head nonetheless, leaning back against the wall with his arms folded over his chest, his blue eyes studying your face carefully. 

"A little bit..." He admits cautiously, you start to wonder if he gets teased for his interest or something but you shrug the thoughts away, you've just met the man and you don't want to make a bad impression by asking him too many personal questions. "I enjoy learning about them, they're a comfort." 

"Comfort?" You echo in slight disbelief.

Comforted by dinosaurs? How different.

"Yeah, as a kid, I often hoped one would be released into the city and eat my father."


The brunette noticing your wide-eyed expression immediately and chuckling softly to himself. "My father is an asshole." He clarifies, earning a very slow and subtle nod from you, an awkward smile stretching across your lips.

"I should hope so if he ends up being eaten by a'd be a shame for it to happen to somebody who's nice..."

Jesus, has it suddenly gotten cold in here?

Another chuckle leaves the male as he pushes himself forward, his blue orbs still studying you closely. "I like you, you're amusing." The sudden compliment catches you way off guard, your brows raising so high it's a shock they haven't made it to your hairline, your wide eyes staring up at him as your jaw falls ajar.

"Huh? I-I too?"

Is he toying with me?

"Thanks..." A more genuine smile gracing his lips as he shifts a little in his spot, a thoughtful expression dominating his features. "I don't remember your name."

"It's [F/n]." With a small nod, he repeats your name to himself as if he's chanting it into his memory before he places his hands on your cheeks, his skin is warm and shockingly rather soft too. 

"Nice to meet you, [F/n]. I'm Drake. I'm not necessarily a romantic and these games unsettle me."

By this point your brain has failed you, your heart pounding rapidly in your chest as he leans in to plant a gentle peck on your forehead, the gesture making your face heat up like crazy as he smirks. 

One of his hands slips down and brushes against your hip gently but it doesn't seem like he's trying to grab at you in the slightest. 

"I'm afraid that's all I'll commit to for now, I don't make out with people so casually." The brunette's other hand releasing your cheek before he reverses back into the wall again, peacefully leaning against it as the doors open, a smiling Nami greeting you both.

Although her face soon falls at the sight before her. 

"Aw, you two didn't do anything?! Boring~!" She blurts, the comments causing the male before you to smirk subtly as he passes Nami to exit the confined space, waiting for you to follow before sliding behind you and leaning in close to your ear.

"I slipped my number into your pocket if you're interested."

You stop in your tracks at the comment, Drake merely passing you and calmly taking his seat back beside Doflamingo. 

"Fufufu~! What is wrong with you, Drake? You frigid?" 

"More like respectable." 

As you approach Luffy's table, you slip your hand into your pocket discreetly, a smile spreading across your lips when your fingertips brush against a piece of paper. 

Luckily for you, Luffy and the boys surrounding him are too engrossed in their jokes and stories to notice as you take the number from your pocket, reading it with a smile.

But you have to wonder to yourself when on earth he wrote down his digits.

Little do you know that he had actually written them down earlier in the night with the intention of giving the paper to you but he got too nervous, it seemed fate was on his side by having you select his item from the bag.

A small smile on his lips as he brushes his index finger against the dinosaur tooth inside his pocket, he still thinks it's a fake tooth but he's starting to wonder if it radiates good fortune.

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