Metal Chain.

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"Killer!" Nami calls out whilst you're still looking at the chain in your hands with a cocked brow, it looks like it was pulled off a bicycle or something.

But why?

Your eyes drifting up to a tall man with long blonde hair, his bangs covering much of his face, he's dressed somewhat smart but also casual.

The male silently making his way into the closet and your heart dips.

I don't know this man! 

Nami taking a grasp on your bicep and dragging you toward the closet also before shoving you inside harshly. "Have fun~!" She chimes before slamming the doors shut, cold sweat already beginning to pour down your face as you nervously glance up at the guy.

"Hello." He speaks before you, something you're inwardly grateful for. He settles down on the floor comfortably, stretching out his legs and leaving you plenty of space to sit if you want also.

He doesn't seem too mean for somebody named Killer...

"Hi, I'm [F/n]." A nervous response to say the least but he doesn't seem to mind, in fact he finds it rather cute, his eyes watching from behind his locks as you take a seat on the ground beside him. "S-Sorry, I'm not good with these games--!"

"No, me neither." The blonde calmly murmurs, something about him has you feeling calm though, a smile spreading across your lips as he shrugs his shoulders. "I was forced to play by Kid, it's not really my thing though."

A small giggle leaving your lips as you nod your head, being able to fully relate with him on that point. "Yeah, Nami made me play so I understand you there!" Seeing you laugh seems to ease the blonde too though, you notice the ghost of a smile on his lips as he hums to himself.

"Kid's always making me do stupid stuff but if I didn't go along with him for the ride, he probably would've turned out a lot worse by now." You watch the blonde closely as he speaks, noticing the small hint of deflation in his tone.

"Heh, sounds like he's a handful!"

"Like you wouldn't believe." He then reaches for the chain that you had picked out of the bag, beginning to tamper with it leisurely, causing your head to tilt to the side and your curiosity to pique. 

"What's it for?" You ask, gesturing to the metal object and earning a thoughtful hum in response.

"It was Kid's bike chain but he screwed it up somehow and wanted me to fix it but I don't know, looks like it somehow got chewed up." His fingers gliding over a piece of the chain that looks as if it had been melted or something, your eyebrow quirking as you watch him closely.

"Chewed up?"

"Not literally." The blonde clarifies with a chuckle, fiddling with the chain some more before he finally grunts. "Eh, looks like there's no fixing it. He'll just have to buy a new one."

"So, you're like, the mother hen friend?" Your question causes the male to snort as he considers his role silently, eventually he nods his head, his adorable chuckle ringing in your ears.

"I suppose you could call it that!"

This laughter relaxes you, that's for sure. Your observant eyes watching him tamper with the ruined chain some more until the closet doors swing open, revealing a smiling Nami.

Although her smile immediately fades when her orbs land on you both. 

"Seriously?! Why does nobody play this game properly?!"

Killer only snickering quietly before leaning over to you subtly, planting a warm kiss on your cheek, his hair tickling your skin in the process.

"It's been nice speaking to you, [F/n]. Let's do this again soon."

And with that, he's off.

And you're a blushing mess, desperately trying to hide your face and regain some of your composure as you exit the small space, making your way over to Shanks and Mihawk's table where you hope you won't get teased too much on account of your flustered appearance.

Luckily for you, Shanks is too drunk to notice and Mihawk, well he sees how red you are but thankfully doesn't make any comments about it. 

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