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"Thatch!" Nami blurts out the very second you pull a yellow piece of fabric out of the bag, the brunette in question looking over with an eyebrow raised. "It's your turn! Get in the closet!"

With a nod of his head, he bids adieu to his brothers before slipping away from their table, making his way into the closet with you following shortly behind him. 

The doors immediately closing and plunging you into darkness with the brunette, not that you mind strangely, this game had you nervous at first but Thatch is somebody you're very comfortable around so you're extremely grateful to have chosen him.

"So, wanna play the game traditionally and make out or play truth or dare instead?" The brunette jests playfully, immediately stunning you as you gape up at him with wide eyes.

As subtle as a wrecking ball, Thatch!

With a small shrug, you avert your gaze, mainly in attempts to hide the pale blush that's beginning to dust your cheeks. "Whatever you want." 

The brunette pulls a thoughtful face as he shuffles a little, taking a seat on the floor and stretching out his legs, managing to avoid kicking you in the process. "Hm...Truth or dare, you can go first."

Deciding to sit yourself opposite him, you play along with the game since he'll only pester you if otherwise, he has a real childish side to him sometimes. "Truth." Your eyes already staring at him suspiciously, last time you played this game with Thatch, you ended up having to kiss a frog - something the brothers still tease you about to this day.

"Aw, you're not too scared to pick dare, are you?" The brunette teases mildly, his brown orbs resting on the closet's ceiling as he hums quietly to himself. "Is it true really wanna play this game?"

Honestly, I'd rather explore the option of kissing you.

"Yep, I love this game. Who knows, my frog might turn into a prince this time." Your sarcastic comment drawing a snort from the brunette as he nods his head. "Your turn, truth or dare?"

The smile still present on Thatch's face as he stares at you for a moment, seemingly thinking before he finally shrugs. "Dare." A slightly challenging glimmer in his eyes as he stares you down, waiting for you to do your worst. 

Damn, first time I've managed to get him to pick dare since he made me kiss a frog and we're stuck in a damn closet! 

"I dare you to tell me your biggest fear." 

I intend to use it against you later.

"In general or whilst I'm stuck in this closet with you?" Thatch's brow raising curiously as a soft chuckle rumbles in his throat. "My biggest fear at this precise moment is that I keep seeing you look down, probably planning to stab me in the groin or something...I'd much rather you didn't, by the way."

His response makes you laugh but now you're really curious, leaning forward, you give the boy a gentle push with your hand. "No, seriously! What scares you?" His eyes darken somewhat at the question, despite his polite smile. 

"Honestly? Piranhas creep me out, you seen how fast those things can eat people? It's horrifying." His answer has you giggling a little, it sure isn't something you could use against him though sadly since if you threw a piranha at him, it'd probably eat him within minutes. 

No, I'd rather keep my pain-in-the-ass friend alive, thank you...

"Your go! Truth or dare?" The brunette seemingly more excitable now, not that it surprises you, like his brothers he too has a boyish charm that shines as brightly as the sun when he's playing games.

"Truth." He pouts slightly at your answer but pulls a thoughtful face nonetheless. 

"Is it true that you...have considered kissing me before?" That question almost causes you to choke on your own spit, your face heating up rapidly as you scramble your brain for a suitable answer. "Picking truth isn't so fun now, is it~?"

Oh, you motherfucker!

Thatch watches you struggle with an almost-sadistic smirk on his face for a whole minute before you slump. "M-Maybe! It's a kissing game and I picked you so yeah, I'm bound to consider it!"

A chuckle leaving his lips as you bury your blushing face into your palms, internally screaming at yourself for being so honest, you wish you had just lied and slapped that smirk right off his face.

"What a relief." Thatch murmurs as he leans over to your side of the closet, taking a gentle grasp on your wrists and pulling your hands down from your face. "I've considered kissing you too, if it makes you feel any better." 

Apart of you wants to accuse him of lying, merely teasing you but his eyes speak volumes, a sincere smile on his lips as his breath fans your face. 

"So what's stopping you?" Your question had barely left your throat when the brunette leans in and captures your lips in a kiss, one of his hands coming up to cup your face whilst the other keeps him elevated above you, his cologne invading your scenes. 

He always smells so nice!

Your fingers run themselves through his brown locks as you return the kiss, sucking on his lower lip before pinching it softly between your teeth, only causing the brunette to smile as he slips his tongue into your taunting mouth. 

You suck on the muscle as you leisurely tangle your fingers in his hair, it feels so nice to kiss him although his breath tastes a little like booze but considering everyone is drinking at this party, you're not too surprised. 

It's safe to say he's dominating the kiss but he still allows you to get the upperhand every now and then before putting you back in your place, the sound of the closet doors creaking open breaks the kiss, light flooding the small space as Nami giggles. 

"Oh my! On the floor too~? Sorry lovebirds, you gotta take it up stairs! We need this closet~!"

Within seconds you're scrambling to your feet, eagerly trying to fix your appearance, Thatch merely leaving the closet with dishevelled hair and a red face, immediately getting teased by his siblings.

That is until you come up behind him anyway, discreetly taking a grasp on his hand and pulling him toward the staircase.

If you think I'm leaving it there, Thatch. You've got another thing coming.

7 Minutes In Heaven. {One Piece x Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora