Cross Pendant.

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The alcohol is starting to hit you tonight, courtesy of Shanks and his damn drinking contests.

Your fingertips feel like they're tingling as you run them over something cold inside the bag, taking a grasp on the item before pulling it out of the dark sack, a smile spreads across your lips at the familiar object.

It's a golden cross pendant. 

"Mihawk!" Nami calls out, earning a subtle glance from the golden-eyed male followed by a small curious hum. "You're up!" 

Obliging to the rules of the game, the raven rises to his feet, making his way inside the closet and watching as you wobble in behind him. 

His brow raised as the doors shut on you both and you're already clinging to his shirt, albeit you're not looking for a kiss, just some balance before you fall on your butt and make a complete idiot out of yourself.

"How many have you had?" The pale man asks calmly, his hands taking a gentle but firm grip on your shoulders as he sits himself down on the floor of the closet for comfort, allowing you to drunkenly lean up against him as you settle down beside him.

"How many men? That's not something you should ask a girl so casually, y'know!" A semi-serious scolding pout etched into your features as you press your index finger to his chest, his face looking somewhat blurry the more you stare at it. "But to answer your question, not many at all! I've got better things to do with my ti--!"

"I meant drinks."


A thoughtful frown dominates your features as you use your fingers to keep score, flicking a digit up at each drink-filled memory that lands in your mind. "Um...'bout...16."

Mihawk's eyes widening briefly before he forces his stoic stare back to his face, a disapproving huff escaping his lips as you use his chest as a pillow, a chuckle escaping your lips. 

"I was working on my 17th but I lost it." 

"Probably just as well." His voice is nice and calm, it eases your tensions and his body heat makes you wanna fall asleep but you've only got 7 minutes so your nap will be very short-lived. "You seem like you've had enough."

"Ah, always so serious." A small grin gracing your lips as you nuzzles yourself deeper into his chest and unknowingly causing his heartbeat to go crazy. 

You and Mihawk have always been friends and he often shows his more gentlemanly side toward you, you've always just assumed it's because you're girl but really, he just finds you very likeable which is something he can't say about many people he comes across.

"I prefer the term self-aware." He murmurs in response, idly twirling a lock of your hair around his index finger with a content smile tugging on his lips. "How will you be getting home?"

That question is one he asks often when you've been drinking and regardless of your answer, it always leads to him walking you like a true sweetheart although it also causes you to worry about him when he walks back to his own house alone so you demand he texts you when he's there to let you know he's safe.

It has become something of a mutual understanding nowadays.

"What possessed you to play a game like this?" Your lips lightly glide against the male's chest due to how loosely he wears his white dress shirt, your mouth is touching his bare skin, breath fanning it ever so slightly and causing goosebumps to surface. 

"...Red-hair." He barely manages to murmur the nickname, Shanks has been one of his closest friends for years now and is always roping Mihawk into drinking and participating in things he wouldn't often do so hearing that information doesn't surprise you too much. "And you, I guess."

Now that one does catch you off guard.


There's a silence, Mihawk dropping your hair as his hand rests on your lower back instead, a small "Mhm." being the only thing to leave his throat as he closes his eyes, resting against the closet wall. 

"Oi, what do you mean?!" You persist, you're simply not going to allow the man to say something like that then drift off to sleep as if nothing was said, you're far too curious now. "I didn't tell you to play!"

With a quiet sigh, his golden eyes flicker open again, re-positioning himself so that he's sitting up a little and looking straight into yours eyes. 

"If you must know, the idea of you kissing another man annoys me." The raven admits, a very small frown on his face as his cheeks turn a dusty pink hue and your orbs just about springing from your skull as your brain goes into overdrive trying to process his words. "I hadn't expected to actually get put with you but I'm relieved I did, if a man took advantage of this game, of you...I'd kill that filthy worm with a butter knife."

Damn, he's kinda hot when he's protective!

A smug smirk spreading across your lips as you gaze up at the golden-eyed beauty, your fingers resting lightly against his chest as you slowly lean in close to his face. "But what if that man was you? And what if I wanted it?"

You can see him considering the possibility silently before a subtle smirk etches itself into his own features, the handsome male gently tugging you in and claiming your lips with his, a spark flaring inside you as you return the affectionate gesture and your arms slipping around his neck. 

He breaks the kiss slowly for a moment, his nose brushing lightly against yours and his eyes still closed as he softly smiles. "Like that?" He rasps.

Instead of answering him with words, you do so with actions. Your lips pressing against his and this time, more deeply as your fingers rake through his dark hair, the handsome tease pinching your hip gently and causing you to gasp, he takes advantage of this by slipping his tongue into your mouth.

Surely he can taste the alcohol on your breath but he doesn't seem to mind, in your defence you can taste the red wine on his too, your hands grasping gently at his black locks as you smile against his lips, your tongue wrestling with his as he presses you against his strong chest.

A small hum leaving your lips just before you break the kiss for air, your face flushed and heart beating crazily in your chest. "I didn't expect you to be such a great kisser..." A bit of an insult but he expects that from you, you're not the best at wording things when you're sober but after a few drinks, you become god-awful at it.

Although, he'd be lying if he said he didn't find that little quirk of yours quite cute. 

"I didn't expect you to be either, especially not when you've been drinking so much."

A soft chuckle escaping your lips as you stroke the male's cheek, about to kiss him against until the closet doors swing open, Nami greeting you both with a drunken grin. 

"Time's up~!"

Damn, 7 minutes goes too fast...

You both exit the closet and find yourselves leaving the party together soon afterwards, you've had enough drinks and Mihawk isn't going to let you walk home alone and you don't plan to make him walk back to his by himself tonight either.

Needless to say, this game is just the start of something beautiful.

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