Chapter 5: Chit Chat

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I looked down the cliff as I watched Dad talk to Thor. I saw Thor's mouth moving. Then I heard Dad speak.

"Shakespeare in the park? Doth mother know, you wear-eth her drapes?" I laughed.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Loki move his hands. I raised my blaster towards him. He froze and glanced at me.

"I wouldn't try anything if I were you... you don't look like the type to want to mess up their Gucci suit." I smirked. He looked a bit confused. He most likely doesn't know what Gucci is, but it made me laugh.

He put his hands back down. I looked at him confused.

I just realized something. This man is a god... he has abilities too. He is a lot stronger then a normal human. So why did he get captured so easily? Did he want too? If he did... why? I tried to look in his mind, but he blocked me out with a smirk.

"You will know soon enough mortal. For now, I would like to watch Thor and the metal mortal fight. I find it amusing." He smirked as he watched Thor hit my Dad with his hammer, making him fly into a tree. I smirked down too.

I kinda want to see this too, but is that bad? Should I help him? You know what, I don't care. My dad can handle himself.

I grabbed Loki and pulled him towards the edge. Loki pulled away. "Unhand me you mewling quim!"

"Shut up Loki." I sneered as I sat at the edge. I glared at Loki and pointed next to me. He glared right back.

"Do you really think I would listen to a weak mortal like you?!" He exclaimed as he stepped away with his chin held high. I rolled my eyes.

Dad made my suit different. I could take off the hand part of suit. I pressed the button on the back of my hand and it came off like a glove.

Blue mist surrounded Loki as I lifted him up. His eyes widened in shock. "Put me down!"

"You are so annoying!" I groaned as I made him sit beside me. Both out feet were dangling over the edge. He sat still for a moment. He glanced at me with a smirk.

"You prove to be more useful mortal..." He smirked. I looked at him confused. What? Is he going to use me for something?

I shook my head as I reattached my armour.

I looked down at Dad and Thor. Thor reached his hand out and his hammer... Mjolnir flew back into his hand.

Holy shit! I want one!

He lifted his arm and lightning shot through the sky. It hit his hammer. Thor swing his arm and hit Dad with the lightning.

I gasped as Loki smirked mischievously. Dad stood for a moment. I smirked as I read his mind.

Dad shot Thor with all three of his blasters, sending him ways away. But Thor landed on his feet, he glared at my Dad. They flew at each other. They hit one another and hit some trees. They flew away.

I sighed as Loki looked over to me.

I glared.

"What?!" I asked annoyed with the God. He looked at me, for a moment, I swore his eyes turned to a shade of green rather that blue.

"You... you have no idea how powerful you are, don't you...?" Loki tilted his head as he studied me. I squinted.

"I know I'm powerful-."

"No. Your powers come from the very thing I am here to collect... the Tesseract." His eyes widened at his own words. I looked at Loki. He stared into my eyes.

My powers come from the Tesseract? Did HYDRA have it before? Is that the blue stuff they put in me?

I looked at my hands as blue balls mist came out. I focused on them. Suddenly I saw something.

There was 6 stones... red, orange, yellow, purple, green and... blue. The blue one... was the Tesseract. I blinked as I looked at Loki.

His mouth hung open slightly. I raised my eyes brows.

"Your eyes... they were shining blue." Loki said. What was that? What were those stones? My eyes?! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Okay, okay. Calm down." I sighed. I opened my eyes. "Can you teleport?"

"Yes Darling... one of my many, many abilities. I assume you will learn to teleport too. You may even have the ability to teleport through out the universe." He spoke up. I smiled.

I want to teleport. Maybe I'll start practicing.

I pointed in the direction the two went. He got the hint and nodded. I saw the Quinjet fly past us. Loki looked at me with his hand out.

"May I?" His green eyes stared into mine. I nodded and took his hand. Suddenly, we stood a little ways away from Thor, Dad, and Steve.

I looked down at out hands and they were still joined. I quickly pulled away.

Loki's eyes turned blue again. Why?

"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes!" Thor spoke as he stared at Steve. Steve stood with his shield in his hand.

"Then prove it. Put that hammer down." Steve said deeply. Loki and I watched the exchange.

"Uh, Yeah, no! Bad call. He loves his hammer-." Thor reaches over and hit Dad. Dad flew back. I stifled a laugh. This is absolutely the worst time to laugh... but I can't help but smile.

"You want me to put the hammer down!" Thor exclaimed angrily. I knew what he was about to do. Loki seemed to know too.

I took of the hand part of my suit and put a shield around Loki and I. Thor jumped high with his hammer raised and hit Steve's shield.

The trees shook as the two made contact. Thor and Steve flew back.

Loki and I just stood there. Some branches fell from trees and some small trees fell.

Dad, Steve, and Thor stood next to each other. I walked up to them.

Loki stayed back.

"Are we done here?" Steve asked. I laughed. Dad looked over to me. He lifted his hand at me.

"Where were you when we were fighting?! Your supposed to be my backup!" Dad spoke loudly. I only laughed. Thor and Steve looked at me. I attached my hand and lifted the mask of my helmet.

"It was fun watching you get beat up. I know I should have helped, but I knew you had it. Plus I knew Thor was here to help. He's Loki's brother after all." I smirked at the men and gods.

Thor smiled at me kindly. I smiled back. "Nice to meet you Thor. I'm Hope"

"My Daughter and partner in crime." Dad spoke up proudly. I smiled. Thor smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you Lady Hope. You must be a fine warrior to be partners with these men." Thor smiled pointing to Steve and Dad. I nodded.

I like Thor. He seems pretty cool. He's like a big, cuddly teddy bear... who could kill you whenever he wanted to.

Loki smirked. I looked into his mind. He was blocking me still. I smirked as I broke through his barrier.

His face looked slightly worried, but soon masked it when Thor looked at him.

Thor glared at Loki. I decided that now was not the time and looked away from Loki.

"Loki." Thor glared at his brother. Natasha walked up to us. She looked at the scene. She sighed and rubbed her head.

I can't tell she's done with this shit.

"I don't even wanna know. Let's go! Fury does not like to wait!" Natasha walked back to the Quinjet. Thor grabbed Loki's arm and we followed Natasha.

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