Chapter 11: The Battle part 2

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"I got them! You go take the sky!" I yelled at Dad. Dad shook his head.

"No! I'll help you here." I rolled my eyes. There was about 5 Chitauri coming out way. I lifted all of them up high into the air and then brought them back down with much force. Killing them. I glanced at Dad. He raised his eye brows with a nod. He wiped a fake tear. "They grow up so fast."

"Just go!" I smiled at him and flew down towards the street. I landed by a little café. I looked inside and saw some civilians trapped by a Chitauri. A little girl walked away from her mom. She threw a plate at it. I smiled, but noticed the Chitauri looked angry. I ran towards them. Before the Chitauri could shot her, I flung him into the building next to us. A woman hugged the child.

"For God's sake Alexis! Don't do that again!" The little girl nodded and hugged her. The others looked at me. There was about a dozen of them.

"You guys have to get out of here! Now!" I yelled at them. A man spoke up.

"Where do we go?" He asked. I reached up and threw two energy balls at two Chitauri. They blew up. I looked around. There is literally no where for them to go. I groaned. I noticed some Chitauri's about to crash into the building. I lifted all of the people up and pulled them out quickly. They crashed into the building. They all gasped. I pointed away from Stark Towers.

"Run that way! Don't look back! I'll follow you! If you see anyone else, get them to join!" They stood still for a moment. I rolled my eyes. I made my eyes glow blue and made mist surround me. "Go!" They did.

I flew above them. They ran about two blocks before some started to grew tired. I think this is a bad idea, but hey! I'm new to the whole being a hero thing! I took out about 20 Chitauri. Being in a big group don't help at fucking all! Worst decision ever, but it's working. Many people joined in. There was now about 30 people. But the Chitauri came after all of them. I noticed a big robotic worm come towards us. I could hear screams from the people. I landed on the ground. It was about to squish us, but I used my powers to stop it. My feet slide against the ground as I placed a blue force field. The worm continued pushing, even harder then before. Oh my gOd! My head is killing me!

"Run!" I grunted. They ran. A little boy stayed back and watched though. "Kid! Go with them!"

"Do you need help?" He asked innocently. I grunted as it pushed harder. The kids gotta go. I became angry. I let go of the field and raised both hands. I lifted it up. I saw Dad fly by. Pretty convenient. He noticed me in trouble. He shot at the worm thing. It exploded. The blue mist disappeared as I became exhausted.

"Thanks dad!" I yelled. He nodded. He was being chased by a few Chitauri. The boy grabbed my hand. I smiled down at him. I lifted him up. He laughed. "Come on kid."

I flew him back to the group. No one came and got him. I looked down at him.

"Do you have any parents?" I asked as I kneeled in front of him. His eyes started sweating... I mean crying. "Hey, hey, hey. I lost my parents before too."

"But my mommy and daddy are gone. One of those things got them. That's why I asked you if you wanted help because I couldn't help them." He looked sad. He started to cry. I hugged him gently.

"Hey, hey. It's okay kid. I promise I'll protect you. What's your name?" I asked gently. He sniffled.

"R-Romeo." I chuckled. That's adorable.

"Romeo, my name is Hope." He nodded.

"I know, your Hope Stark. My mommy loved you. She thought you are an angle sent to protect us. My daddy would just laugh at her." He said so innocently. I blushed. An angel? That's different from freak of nature and devil... total opposite. I would have loved to meet her. I looked down the street and noticed the group was far enough away from the tower. It looked like there was more of them too. The Chitauri didn't bother them. I wonder why? Doesn't Loki control them? I shook my head.

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