Chapter 9: "I f*cking promise."

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I felt a soft, familiar surface beneath me. I opened my eyes and noticed I was in my room in Stark Towers. What? I heard a knock on the door and Loki walked in. Loki smirked.

"Great to see you awake Darling." His Asgardian accent strong. It sounds like its British, but not really. I love listening to him talk though... wait! Why am I saying that!?

"Why are we here Loki?" I sat up and kept my eyes on him. He stood a few feet away from me. His hands behind his back as he smiled at me.

"I just wanted to talk remember?" He answered. Phil. I made a blue ball in my hand and flung it towards him in anger. He disappeared. The real Loki walked in.

"I was waiting for that. I'm truly sorry Hope, but it had to be done." I glared at him.

"No it didn't!" I exclaimed in anger and heart broke. He sighed. He stepped closer to me. I made another ball of energy appear. He stopped.

"I said I'm sorry! What more can I do?! I could've killed you, but I didn't and I won't. That man looked to be close to you, I apologize. You should know that down this road of heroism, you will lose a lot more then you would like." He spoke. I made the balls of energy disappear. I walked up to him. He stood perfectly still. I reached back and gave him one hard punch to the face. His face whipped to the left. He groaned in pain. He glared at me as he held his cheek. A bruise was beginning to form.

"By Odin's beard! What was that for?!" He exclaimed in shock and pain. I smirked.

"That was for Phil, jerk. Why are we here? At Stark Towers?" I asked. He let go of his cheek  as he walked around my room. He looked at the guitar by my bed in interest.

"I noticed that this structure is in the middle of this city. Standing tall and everyone knows where it is. Everyone knows this building. I thought a King's castle should be where this tower is." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you think my dad built it here?" I smiled with a chuckle. That's probably why he did though. Loki stared at me. I felt a bit uneasy. "Why did you want to talk?"

"I actually don't know why. I just didn't want to be alone." He answered. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He quickly tried to cover it up. "I want someone to see my victory and watch me become King. I thought you would do."

"Where's Agent Barton? Your men?" I asked.

"Barton is with Thor and his other mortal friends that's all you need to know Darling."

"Why am I really here?" I crossed my arms. Loki smirked.

"I can help you... remember your past." He told me. I froze. How can he help me? I only remember that one thing and it was because of HYDRA. I cringed at the name. Loki seemed to notice.

"How can you help me?" Loki shrugged.

"I can use my magic to give you more strength to find your memories. I promise I won't look, even though you looked through mine." Loki stared. Should I? What if he does something? What if he messes with something and I get hurt?

"You're the god of lies Loki... how do I know your not lying?" I sat beside him on my bed. Loki chuckled.

"You don't. You will just have to trust me." Loki raises his hand towards me. This reminded me of the movie Aladdin. I love that movie. I stared at his hand and then to his face. I stared into his eyes. Slight blue... but mostly green. Then, it was all green. His eyes were so beautiful. Woah! Whaat!?

"Promise..." I held my middle finger and thumb out. Loki looked at my hand confused. I smiled. It was like giving the middle finger, but it's a promise. "This is a sign of promise. There's pinkie promise where you wrap both of your pinkies together and say pinkie swear. But the one I do, is the fucking promise. If you do this promise and you don't hold you end of the promise, the other person can fuck you up. Like beat you up or something. When you do the sign with someone, you have to say fucking promise."

Loki wrapped his middle finger and thumb with mine.

"I fucking promise." He smiled. I laughed at the way he said it. Never thought I could get him to swear. I nodded with an unsure smile.

"Okay... lets do this..." I sighed. Green mist surrounded my head. Loki smirked with mischief as he lifted the sceptre. My eyes widened. Green mists surrounded me, so my magic was useless. "Loki!"

"I'm helping you I promised, but I do need your help to fight." My eyes widened more at his words. Fight who? The others? Oh no... "In time you will learn your past, but now, I need you to fight and win with me. I'm apologize again Darling."

"So... your not technically breaking the fucking promise." I sighed. I should have put a barrier up in my mind, but noooo I didn't! "I'm still going to kick your ass Loki."

"Darling... you won't be kicking my ass. I just feel bad for the mortals you will fight. I hope no one gets badly hurt." He smirked. The sceptre touched my chest. I felt something flow into me. A warm feeling shot through me. It felt so familiar, something I didn't like. It didn't hurt though. I felt it flow into my mind.

"No..." My vision blurred. My mind felt fuzzy and blank for a moment. After a few seconds, I looked over to Loki. Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Hope?" He asked. I kept a stone face. I could feel no emotion except that I would serve Loki.

"Yes sir." I stood up straight. Loki smirked with a proud look in his face.

"Follow me. I have a job for you." He walked out of the room. I followed close behind. "I want you to make sure the enhanced mortals won't come near this building. I want you to fight them, take them down... but the real you wouldn't want them dead, so don't kill them. You may hurt hurt them... but not too, TOO badly, understand?"

"Sir." I nodded. He grinned.

"Now, go get what you need. I assume you might want your suit like the Metal mortal." I nodded and walked over to the counter where the drinks were. I grabbed my bracelets. I wrapped them around my wrists. I held out both of my arms.

"Now." After a moment, my purple suit started to surrounded my body. I almost smiled, almost. Just because I always enjoyed this feeling. My mask was the last thing to latch on. My suit came to life.

"Ms. Stark, your father seems to be searching for you. Would you like me to contact him for you?" I scowled. Why did I scowl? It's like I can't control my body.

"No J.A.R.V.I.S. Don't tell him or contact him. He will find out soon enough." J didn't answer. "J.A.R.V.I.S..."

"I am terribly sorry Ms. Stark, but sir told me to contact him whenever you enable your armour. He is extremely concerned about you." I sighed. Of course he did and I'm glad. "They will be here soon. Ms. Stark, are you alright?"

"I am perfect J.A.R.V.I.S. Never better." I smirked. I looked over to Loki. He had almost a proud smile as he looked over the city. I can't do this! I'm not fine! I can't fight them! I don't wanna hurt anyone! I tried to say something, but nothing came out. I looked inside his head. He was already making changes to the city in his mind. A statue of himself outside the tower? Out of gold? I wanted to roll my eyes, but I couldn't. I walked over to Loki and stood beside him. He grinned at me.

"It's almost time." I became confused. Time for what?

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