Chapter 36: I Will Never Join

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I can't handle this! I have to find Winny! After all of this, I'm going to look for him. Oh shit! I forgot I was joining S.H.I.E.L.D in a few days. Steve will gladly help me, maybe Nat?

I opened another set of doors to find even more HYDRA men. How many are there!?

"Ms. Quill, I'm afraid we can let you leave." Strucker's voice rang through the large room. 

"Then let Pepper go!" I yelled in anger. The man chuckled.

"You certainly changed. My arms is killing me. You have more fire in you then the last time we met." He chuckled again to himself. I rolled my eyes at his lame joke. "I can't allow that. I don't control that anyway. She's with Killian. We were planning on working together to kill Tony Stark, but now isn't his time. I would get in trouble for killing him, so I'll let Killian do the dirty work."

"Who would you get in trouble with?" I asked.

"That's none of you concern Ms. Quill-."

"Stop calling my that. That isn't my name." I sneered as I looked at the men in the room. There was about 50 of them, all weapons drawn at me.

"Mmh. That is your birth name. You're mothers last name I believe." My breath got caught in my throat. "We hit the soft spot."

"I'm not that little girl anymore. I'm stronger." I glared at the speaker on the wall.

"Oh I know. On TV, you know what I saw..." I stared at the speaker. "During the Battle of New York, I notice you were fighting the rest of the Avengers. You could have killed them all, instantly. You can change the world into a better place. The Avengers bring to many... villains out. Everything was normal, but then all of them started to appear. One by one. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk. Then, all the bad people in the world started to appear."

"Like HYDRA, like you." I clenched my jaw.

"No Ms. Qu-." I felt myself become hot.

"It's Stark!" I exclaimed angrily as a wave of heat surrounded me. Blue flames covered my body. Why am I getting so mad easily?

"Ms. Stark..." he said slowly. I felt myself cool. "We are not bad. We are doing what S.H.I.E.L.D is afraid to do, take charge and fix this world. We can make people fear us, and they won't dare to challenge, they won't dare to do crime. We can make this world peaceful."

"So make people live in fear for the rest of their lives." I stated with disbelief. "What about free will? And what about all the innocent people in the world?"

"No one is innocent forever Ms. Stark. Join HYDRA again, become what you were meant to be."


"Before you say anything, I'm sure I have something that can persuade you." The door across from me opened slowly. A man walked in. "Or should I say someone."

My eyes widened as I stared at the man walking towards me. No expression what so ever, but it was him. Winny. I let out a cry. It's actually him!

"W-Winny..." I stuttered in disbelief. His eyes flickered with confusion slightly. He stood about 5 feet in front of me. I stepped in front of him. We were face to face. I looked up at him. He looked down at me. To him, this is another mission. Just a target. To me... I'm finally seeing my brother again. "I missed you so much... I'm so sorry for leaving you." I sobbed.

"Do you know why he's here?" Strucker Asked. I stared into the empty eyes of Bucky's. I nodded slowly.

"I-I do." I whispered almost to myself.

"I'm sure you want to spend time together like you used to." I shook my head.

"It was never fun. None of it. There was only the tolerable and the torture. Whenever it was just us one, or both, of us was in pain." I spoke softly. Winny stared down at me. His eyes slowly started to fill with confusion. I placed a hand on his cheek. He was cold. He slightly, probably unnoticeable to anyone other then me, leaned into my touch. I smiled at him. "Smile, though your heart is breaking." I started.

His eyes squinted as he thought hard on why those words sounded familiar.

"Smile, even though it's breaking." I continued. Winny's eyes widened softly.

"When there are clouds in the sky-."

"You'll get by..." He cut me off. I stared at him.

"Winny... it's me, Hope. Your Hope." I whispered lowly. I saw a flashback appear in his head. Of the moment I tried to get him to smile using my moms old line, which worked. Winny's breathing picked up. Alarming the men. He pushed me down to the ground. I looked up at him again with shock. His eyes spoke words. I stood up. He was afraid. I grabbed his hand. His cold hands didn't move. I squeezed his hand gently. He wrapped his fingers around my hand.

"Hope... I- I didn't get the chance to say it." I looked at him confused.


"... I love you too." He whispered so lowly I could barley hear him. I remember that! I felt my eyes begin to sweat.

"I love you so much Winny. I'm so sorry I left you." I hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me. I placed my face in his neck. "I missed my big bro so much." I chuckle with tears.

"I missed my Hope." He whispered back.

"Okay, that's enough." Strucker interrupted. "I was going to let him terminate you... or at least try, but I'm not going to. Take him away."

Some men came towards us. They pulled Winny away. I became hot. Winny didn't fight them. He knows not to now. I went to kill them.

"If those men are harmed, someone will pay for it. Since we can't get you, we can punish someone else we can." I knew he meant Winny. I gulped as I watched them pull Winny away. Winny stared back at me. Emotions swimming in his eyes. The doors closed. I stared at the men around me. 50 men... 50 lives. I have the choice to kill or not. Do I want to? Hell no! But will they make me? I hope not. I tried reading their minds, but I couldn't. Why? It was like those men at S.H.I.E.L.D. Are they related some how? They can't be though. These men are HYDRA.

"This is your last chance Ms. Stark. Join now, or there will be trouble." Strucker spoke. I looked at the men around me. Heavy armour and guns.

"... I will never join HYDRA. You can try all you want. I will never break. I can kill you all right now-."

"Which is why you should come back-."

"-but I'm not going to. If I have to, I will." I pictured my Dad. I closed my eyes as I heard many pairs of footsteps running towards me. The footsteps disappeared as I did.

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