19) The Island is Found

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Clyde waited until all the passengers and crew from The Queen Francis left the island before radioing a friend.  A few hours later, his private boat, the Antonia, came into view.  Jack and Hayley were hustled onboard, followed by Clyde and the rest of the men.  Since Clyde didn’t have to worry about dealing with civilians anymore, he had free reign to do what he wanted.  His first step was to search for a shell-shaped island somewhere in the Caribbean—which was no easy feat.

            Everyone, it seemed, was affected by this turn of events.  Clyde and his men had renewed energy and vigor.  Though they still treated their captives with contempt, they also realized Hayley and Jack were their only link to finding treasure.  Without them, the map was lost.

            Hayley still missed her Gran and wished things could back to the way they were.  On the upside, she was no longer showered with death threats.  She and Jack were allowed a few moments together after Jack explained he had linked Hayley to part of the map.  Though this had enraged Clyde, he quickly realized he had no other choice but to keep Hayley alive—and thus, keep his dreams of becoming a millionaire alive too.

            Jack was his usual self—cocky, unafraid, and always guarded.  If anything, he seemed just as excited as Clyde to find the treasure.  Linking with Hayley added an extra punch to his attitude (or maybe that was from holding hands with her.  Hayley could never figure him out).

            Jack and Hayley both knew they were at risk, however.  Jack had taken a shot in the dark by assuming the shell-shaped island was their destination for the treasure.  With no coordinates or directions to go by, Clyde and his men pored over various maps searching for an island that fit Jack’s description.

            Hayley and Jack spoke as often as they could.  Their conversations usually centered around the mysterious map and why Clyde had suddenly switched from The Queen Francis to the Antonia.  They always had at least one of his lackeys watching them, however, so they had to guard their words.

            “I still think it’s weird,” Hayley said, just low enough for Jack to hear.  “Why didn’t Clyde send for his boat days ago? Why even risk exposing us on The Queen Francis?”

            Jack had to admit he was stumped too.  “Maybe he couldn’t radio his ship in time.  I don’t know.  I’m pretty sure the Antonia is the same one he used to leave me on that island for six months.”

            “Then it doesn’t make sense to use The Queen Francis.  Why would Clyde want to mess with civilians on a tour boat? Why would he risk having one of his men bribe the captain to visit your island?”

            Jack snapped his fingers.  “That’s it! Why would Clyde want to mess with civilians on a tour boat?”

            “I just said that.”

            “Think, Hayley.  He surrounded himself—hid himself—in a tour boat while searching for treasure.  Why?” He lowered his voice.  “Because he’s not the only one who’s searching.”

            Hayley nodded thoughtfully.  It made sense that there were other men out there, men like Clyde, who were looking for this treasure and would stop at nothing to get it.  “Are you sure you’re the only one with the map?”

            “I’m positive.  This isn’t the first time I’ve been kidnapped by treasure hunters.  I’ve been on the run for years.”

            “So Clyde must have wanted to keep a low profile and not attract attention.  The Queen Francis was the perfect disguise.”

            Suddenly, the door burst open, and Clyde strode in from the deck.

            “Speak of the devil,” Jack muttered.  Fortunately, Clyde didn’t hear him.  The man who had been in charge of watching Jack and Hayley quickly jumped to attention.

            “Good news, boys,” Clyde said, eyes shining.  “We found ourselves the only shell-shaped island in the Caribbean.  We got ourselves a half-days’ journey, and then it’s treasure time.”

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