24) The Tension Builds

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Hayley felt deflated.  She had just lost the one thing keeping her motivated and calm—Jack.  She knew something had happened in the water grotto that spooked him.  She could only hope he would return to his normal self.

            Clyde stared at Jack’s retreating figure as it disappeared into the shadows of the jungle.  Cursing, he shouted, “Get him! He can’t walk away now; not when we’re so close!”

            Hayley trembled when he placed a firm hand on her shoulder.  “Did you find the rest of the clue, Cat Eyes?”

            “N-No…Jack took off before we could hold hands.”

            “Isn’t that cute,” Clyde spat, his tone laden with sarcasm.  It was revolting.  “The clue just happens to ‘reveal’ itself when you’re holding hands.  I’m beginning to think you’re just bluffing to keep me away from the treasure.”

            “I’m not!”

            “And what about the fact that the clues happen to be in French? And you’re the only one here who knows French?”

            “I don’t know, I swear—”

            “I should kill you right now, you lying filth.”  Clyde grabbed Hayley’s bicep and yanked her to her feet.  She cried out, but was quickly silenced by the click of his Glock 19.

            Suddenly, Sully’s voice rang out in the air, clear as a bell.  “We got ’im!”  He and the Spaniard came stomping out of the jungle with Jack in between them.  To Hayley’s relief, Jack seemed unfazed by the whole situation until he saw the barrel of Clyde’s gun pressed against her forehead.

            “Hey!” He thrashed in the men’s arms, forcing them to tighten their grip around his forearms.  “You promised not to touch her!”

            “You should know by now that I don’t keep my promises,” Clyde growled.

            “Wait!” Jack cried, breathless.  The Spaniard and Sully reluctantly let go, allowing Jack to sprint over to Hayley and stand between her and the gun.  “You should know that if you pull that trigger, all your hopes of finding the treasure are gone.”

            “Get outta my way, Nau.”

            “Then kiss your rich dreams goodbye.”

            Clyde roared in anger and flung his gun on the ground, realizing Jack was right.  He spat in the young man’s face.  “Just tell me the clue already! We have to be close!”

            Hayley’s eyes were wild with fear.  She knew they were dealing with a madman now.  The closer they got to the treasure, the sicker with greed Clyde would become.

            When Jack tenderly held her hand, Hayley tried to focus on his piercing blue eyes.  They were the color of the Caribbean, reminding her of pleasant evenings aboard The Queen Francis, staring into the sunset.  Oh, Gran…

            They closed their eyes.  The next clue was brighter and bolder than all the rest.  Clyde was right; they had to be close.  It was only a matter of time…

■   ■   ■   ■

The looming gray cliffs seemed to frown at Hayley.  She felt so small compared to the immense structures.  The Spaniard nudged her from behind, forcing her to keep moving.

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