Chapter 13

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Tasha's POV:

The very air seemed to shimmer as the Morning Song began. With a powerful jump, I launched myself into the air, a mere wingbeat behind Keegan. I spun around my silver mate with a warble as the fledglings below dug their claws into the wood for grip and flapped their wings, still too young to even try to fly with us.

The feelings coursing through me had no words. Joy, hope, love, happiness, elation – it was all of them, and yet, they combined into something that had no words. It was like every good emotion had been distilled into the few short minutes as the sun rose to welcome another day.

Keegan and I twirled and whirled around one another in an agile dance that mirrored the Song's call. Our voices filled the air while we sang as passionately as we flew.

Every sunrise was different, and thus, so was our dance and song. It was much more impressive with the wild flock since over a hundred and thirty individuals usually gathered together every morning.

The other eighteen dragonets in captivity often sang the Morning Song as we did, in their own fenced backyard. The size of the group didn't really matter, since we were so focused on the sun and its Song. Occasionally, we went to the park to sing with the wild flock, but that wouldn't be happening until the fledglings could fly much better.

I flipped upside-down midair, zipping under Keegan's wing even as he banked sharply to remain in the small column of air that was our dancefloor. Dirk and Tessa were still flapping hard, although they were panting heavily. The song was already beginning to fade; it felt like it had barely begun, and yet, the beginning of joyous celebration seemed a very long time ago.

The song trailed off, and I turned my barrel roll into a glide as I circled around towards the children. Dirk was sitting as he tried to catch his breath, but his sister flopped down with her wings spread out, too tired to move.

Keegan landed and nudged her with his nose. She flicked an ear tuft at him, but nothing more. Aeria got up from her chair against the house and came over, gently picking up the exhausted scarlet youngster in her hands.

"I think someone overdid it this morning," she mused aloud.

I bared my teeth in a grin. "I believe you are correct."

Aeria smiled in amusement as she went to sit back in her chair beside Taureen, settling Tessa in her lap as she pulled out the buffing pad to clean her scales. Keegan laid down beside Dirk, spreading his wings to sunbathe in the early morning light as he waited for his son to regain his energy.

Taking advantage of the situation, I flew over to Taureen to get my scales cleaned and oiled. As I relaxed, I examined the new hole in the grass and the pile of stones beside it. The shallow dip was long enough that a Kymari could lie down in it, but it wouldn't seem so large once Aeria and Taureen finished making the shallow pond and small waterfall appear natural.

It would be deep enough that I wouldn't be able to reach the bottom with my feet in the deep end, but the shallow area was quite large – perfect for playing, splashing, or teaching youngsters the vital skill of swimming.

I was really looking forward to playing in it once it was done.

 Tessa's POV:

The sun was nice and warm. It felt good. Almost like the heat lamp.

I still didn't feel like moving and closed my eyes as I rested on a small table beside Aeria. Dirk snored softly – he must have fallen asleep as Taureen oiled his scales.

The heat suddenly disappeared. I opened my eyes and looked up in confusion. A big fluffy thing had moved in front of the sun! A cloud. It looked soft, but I knew I couldn't fly that high. Somehow, I was also aware that it was bits of water hanging in the air, so I couldn't land on it even if I tried.

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