Chapter 53

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Tessa's POV:

I stretched as I contemplated actually getting up and moving. Soranto made the decision for me when he picked me up and carried me inside. Snorting faintly, I gazed up at him with a faintly accusing expression.

"Sorry," he apologized, "but we have to rush a bit this morning. We have to drop Maria off at school and then go find your folks before they come looking for me. I'm still surprised your mother didn't attack me last night..."

I smirked and climbed up his shirt to sit on his shoulder pad.

"Go get ready."

The bathroom was the first place on my agenda, before Soranto or Maria decided they needed to use it. I finished and had a minute or so to relax under the big heat lamp.

Soranto came out in his armor and went to pick up my harness. Mischievously, I rolled upside down on the sand to make his task harder. Without even pausing, he simply picked me up, turned me right-side up, and set me down. By the time my feet touched the sand, he had somehow managed to get my harness on me.

I turned my head and stared at the harness, trying to figure out how he had accomplished such a feat in just a few seconds. He chuckled as he tucked the cleaning kit and a few other supplies into his belt pouches.

Shaking myself off, my scales chimed musically before I flew the short distance to his shoulder.

"That's the sound you were talking about?" Maria asked, looking over at me. "That was really neat."

"Yes, it is," he replied, glancing towards the windows by the front door. "The shuttle is here. Let's go."

We left the house and got into the shuttle. The driverless shuttle kept to the street instead of gaining altitude. The scenery showed that we were going the opposite way that we did when going to Taureen's.

We passed several small parks and a lot of buildings before finally coming to a stop. The building was big and had lots of younger Kymari around, so I assumed it was the school.

"Have fun," Soranto told her as he gave her a hug.

"I will!" She returned the hug, before stretching up to gently pet me. I touched my nose to her hand in response.

With a grin, she ducked out of the door and jogged towards some people who were waving at her. The door slid closed, and Soranto entered another destination. I rustled my wings, wishing the trip was shorter. I really wanted to see Mom, Dad, and Dirk again. Taureen and Aeria, too.

I craned my neck as the house came into view. When the shuttle came to a stop, we got out and walked up to the front door. I grinned as Soranto rang the doorbell.

"Come in."

As the door opened, I stared intently at Soranto. Thankfully, he took the hint.

"Go on."

I jumped forward and sped towards the living room with a loud whistle. Mom, Dad, and Dirk were already in the air, and we flew around each other in a complex greeting.

"How was she the rest of the evening?" Aeria asked Soranto.

"It took a while, but she relaxed. Her morning dance was unusual; otherwise, things seem back to normal."

"All the fire lizards danced in a similar fashion today," Aeria said, "so it isn't as unusual as we might originally assume."

Taureen changed the topic. "Are you still ready to try a solo training run, or do you want to postpone the attempt?"

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