Chapter 70

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Tessa's POV:

I watched the green and blue planet rapidly get bigger as we approached it. With a quiet trill, I turned my head to look between Soranto and the window.

"Yes, we're almost home," he reassured me, managing to find words that neither Drae nor any of the other fifty-some passengers would find unusual.

"I know, but I'm still really excited."

When I looked back at the window, we were so close to the planet that I could barely see the horizon out of the window. This shuttle was fast, and even though it was supposedly slowing down, the features of Earth's surface were rapidly becoming clearer.

Grey and brown areas became mountains, and lakes and rivers were now visible among the forests and meadows. The Kymari city came into sight as we descended towards our destination.

The only way I knew we had landed was when a bell chimed and people started getting up. Soranto and Drae waited for most of the crowd to leave before they got to their feet.

"We made it!" I told my family.

"We're just outside the main gate, off to the side in a small park," Dad replied.

Soranto exited the shuttle and began following the crowd heading towards the big gate that led to the rest of the city.


The three of us stopped and turned around. I sat up straighter, trying to figure out how Elder Dairno had crossed the open area behind us. He hadn't been on the shuttle, so he must have been walking from the other direction.

"Elder Dairno," Soranto replied, bowing his head slightly as the old Kymari approached us. The slight tension in Soranto's muscles made me glance up at him before shifting my gaze back to the Elder.

"Thank you for the effort you put into going after Tessa and keeping her safe. You are a prime example of how all bond animal handlers should react. The reports I saw said that she is unharmed and that you only sustained minor injuries, is that correct?"

"Yes, Elder. As far as the medical team could tell, Tessa has no injuries, although she may have some bruises since some of her scales were cracked."

He nodded slowly. "And of yourself?"

"I had planned to take tomorrow off to ensure Tessa is truly recovered from her adventure, although I would be able to do a full patrol if needed."

"Your ambition is commendable, but take the next three days off. If your friend gets restless, the parks or the training areas are preferable destinations."

"Thank you, Elder. You also have my gratitude for rallying the fighters to our aid so quickly. I'm not sure I could have made it back without their assistance."

"You are welcome, although your wife was already organizing some groups."

Soranto bowed his head again, this time deeper. "Perhaps, but it would have taken an Elder's command to shift our entire border defense. Thank you."

Elder Dairno inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Indeed, although they will be back in place within a day or so. In the meantime, I believe your welcoming party is waiting outside for you."

After bowing his head once more, Soranto turned and continued walking towards the gate. I glanced back out of the corner of my eye to see Elder Dairno watching us leave.

After hesitating briefly, I shielded my emotions and whispered as quietly as I could, "Thank you."

Elder Dairno simply nodded, unsurprised, before turning to go. Yep. He knew.

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