Chapter 69

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Tessa's POV:

The massive wall glowed with the brilliant oranges and yellows of a sunrise. But it was just a screen on a wall. The Morning Song was not present. I yawned and rustled my wings, trying to look bored. The air was also cool in here, so I snuggled up against Soranto's neck.

"There is nothing. It is pretty, but it does not make me want to fly the Morning Song."

Soranto sighed and told Drae, "Well, I didn't think it would work, but it was worth a shot."

"We should be able to return tomorrow. She seems fine so far."

"The notes said that the fire lizards usually managed about a week without doing that dance before they became lethargic. She won't be allowed back in outer space once we return, so I want to see if something else can trigger it. It isn't as if we have anything else to do today."

"What are you thinking?"

"Let's go visit the fighter pilots and see if any of them are bored. There is a planet about fifteen minutes away that is nearly the same distance from its star as the one back home. I just want the shuttle to land on the side where the sun is rising and see if it has any effect on her behavior."

I listened intently to their conversation. Several dragonets back home were rather keen to find out if the Morning Song could be sung away from Earth. Was it the rising sun on any planet? Or just Earth? The answer to this question would determine if the dragonets could ever leave the planet we called home for more than a few days.

"As long as we have a suitable fighter escort," Drae replied, "I can't see anyone objecting if we stay that close."

"The fighter ships already have the new scanners installed, so it isn't as if any remaining Votaks can sneak up on us."

It didn't take Soranto long to – somehow – talk a dozen fighter pilots into accompanying us on a short flight. The volunteers might have been bored, or, perhaps, they were interested in seeing if they could assist a bond animal. Either way, we soon had permission to go to the nearby planet.

I peered out the window during our flight while wondering if this experiment would turn out any different than the big wall scene. It was hard to look relaxed while my excitement and uncertainty bubbled up inside me. This trip was something no other dragonet had done – I had no idea what the result might be.

The distant stars stood out very brightly, although the light from the star ahead kept growing brighter as we approached the planet we were aiming for. I could see at least one of the accompanying fighter spaceships at any time, although they kept rotating their positions.

"Where do you want to go?" Drae inquired as he piloted the shuttle.

"Land on the surface, if possible. Pick a place where the star is just about to rise. This planet is smaller and has a faster rotation rate than what Tessa is accustomed to, so the sunrise might happen too quickly for this to work. We can always hover at a higher altitude and try again, if need be."

The shuttle slowed as it neared the grey ground and touched down without stirring up too much dust. The window showed a dull view of rocks, craters, and dust. It was not a place I would want to live, even if this planet had a proper atmosphere.

Suddenly, I tilted my head and stilled as I listened to something not audible to Kymari ears. It was there. The faintest hints of the Morning Song were building. Was a song of hope even possible on a dead planet like this?

I slowly sat down as my eyes locked onto the rapidly brightening horizon. Soranto and Drae remained sitting in their seats as they watched me. Soranto recognized my pose and pulled out a small video recorder.

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