A Different Boy [Part 2]

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Vince takes in a sharp breath and turns to look at me again. There's a seriousness in his eyes that makes me both intrigued and nervous; is he going to tell me that I should abort my baby (possibly our baby)? Maybe he's gonna tell me that he doesn't want to be involved and that this whole date was just out of pity as if he was trying to make me feel good before dropping the bomb?
"Listen Julie," he used my given name and not my pet name; this can't be good!
"Before you say anything! I just need you to know that I'm keeping my baby. No giving her up for adoption or anything like that." I'm not actually sure he heard any of that since I spoke so fast.
"No! Hell no. Hear me out. What I was going to say is that I thought about it and I want to be involved with this whole baby business."
"Even if there's a 50% chance that she could be yours?" He smiles.
"Numbers don't mean anything until something's been confirmed. Also is 'she' what you want the baby to be or..." he gets this kind of glow in his eyes," is that the official sex?" My body fills with that burst of joy you only see with moms on TV. He's excited! He's excited about this baby!
"Yeah I'm having a girl." I blush and hide my face in my hair. Vince pulls me into a passionate kiss.
"Wow I could be getting a daughter." He says as he pulls away. I have to laugh never mind the fact that I'm totally out of breath though.
"Julie if you need me I'll be there got it? I don't care wether it's financial or whatever and when's your next appointment? Checkup? Ultrasound?"
"I'm not sure to be honest. Does this mean you're coming with me?"
"Yeah Sweets I'll be there."

"So where's your car?" I ask searching the parking lot as we carry the mountain of stuff Vince brought.
"Uh not here because I walked." I give him a quizzical glance.
"I live up the road. About 5 minutes away to be precise."
"You're not going to haul this all the way back on your own are you? Let me help."
"Then how are you gonna get home? I hate to break it to ya but I don't own a car and my aunt left a road trip down to Cape Town 2 days ago with hers." I sigh.
"I'm pretty sure my mom would kill me just for getting onto a motorcycle let alone riding on one and being preggers." We head off in the direction of his place.
"Looks like you'll be sleeping over then?"
"My mom's got a work thing and she'll only be back tomorrow afternoon so I guess I'll have to."

Vince has one of those stylish modern homes with a miniature forest for a garden. Walking through the front door pulls me out of the cold and into a warming atmosphere.
"Gimme those." He says taking the items out of my arms.
"Nice place you've got here."
"Yeah. My room's upstairs, to the left, first door. You can wait for me there." I nod seeing as he's already dragging the pile into another room. His room is huge and just as I'd expect it to be it's filled with various sorts of gaming tech.
"Excuse the mess." He says leaning against the doorframe.
"It's not bad actually." I say picking up his VR goggles.
"You want pjs or do you plan on sleeping and going home in your jeans?" My eyebrows raise in surprise. I hadn't even thought of that!
"Pjs." He digs in his cupboard and tosses me a hoodie.
"Are you gonna step out or at least turn around?" I advise while undoing the button of my jeans.
"Hahaha Sweets it's nothing I haven't seen before. Why so shy?" I tense up, my ears turning pink.
"W...well I um uh... Vince I don't normally do that kind of thing and I since that night..." I break off as he walks over and wraps an arm around my waist.
"You know Sweets it's beneficial for an expecting mother to have a bit of fun." He smirks.
"What kind of 'fun'?" He brings his lips to mine then at the last minute kisses a spot below my ear. He pushes me gently against his desk, his hand sliding up my thigh.
"Oh." He nips my collarbone and I gasp.
"If you want me to stop you just need to say." His finger hooks into the waistband of my jeans.
"Y...you said b...benefits ah mmm right?"
"That a yes to continue?" I nod and pull his shirt over his head.
"Hmm as much I love your confidence Sweets, let me take control tonight." The rest of our clothes end up on the floor leaving us half-naked in our underwear. I sit up on his desk while he slides between my legs and kisses me again and again and again. My hands explore his torso as his index finger trails up and down my spine.
"Mmm Sweets?"
"You and him, Ashton, you didn't sleep with him on your date did you?" I startle. Is he serious right now?!
"No." He unclips my bra and kisses down my chest.

The rest of the night I give myself to him because 'benefits'. This time is even better than my first with him. Just before I drift off to sleep in his arms he kisses my stomach.
"Night baby. Night Sweets." Then sleep catches me.

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