Stacey Dear

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"Hey Uncle Blake?" I look back and forth between my godfather and a girl he's been watching for the past who-knows-how-long?
"Huh oh uh yes Laurie?"
"Who's the lady?"
"What lady?"
"The one you've been staring at." He coughs.
"I was not..."
"Mommy says if a boy stares at a pretty lady for a long time it means he has a crush on her." I take a sip of my milkshake and wait for Uncle Blake's reaction.
"She said that huh?"
"Yeppers and Daddy said that that's when the boy must work up the courage to go and talk to her. He also said to swing a beer to help with that."
"He's right...about the beer part anyway."
"Can I have some beer?"
"No. Your parents would kill me." I laugh.
"Are you gonna talk to her?"
"I don't think I can."
"Why not? Daddy says I'm brave and I'm someone who's scared of muppets."
"Well I'm not brave like you Laurie."
"Hmmm. Can I go to the bathroom?"

I leave Uncle Blake and walk over to the lady. I get her to come join us and she happily follows me back to our table.
"Laurie where have you... Hi!" Uncle Blake moves a chair back for the lady just like Daddy does for Mommy. I knew Uncle Blake had a crush on her!
"So this is Laurie my goddaughter and I'm Blake."
"Lovely to meet you both I'm Stacey," she says.
I smile while the two of them talk. Uncle Blake said that he only felt love once with Mommy but she made her choice. Now I'll make sure that he finds it again (Mommy asked me to help her with that). I think this lady Stacey might just be the one.

Uncle Blake walks the lady to the car.
"So I'll see you again?" She asks.
"Definitely Stacey Dear." He says and walks back to me once she drives off.
"I thought your thing was 'Darling'?"
"That's reserved for you and your mom."
"So 'Dear' is for Stacey?" He glances back over his shoulder.
"Yeah Stacey Dear. What do you think?"
"I like it!"

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