Chapter 10

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Sabrina was an insanely funny girl. I have only talked to her once and I love her already as a sister. She was very guarded yesterday, but that is to be expected. Sabrina doesn't know if I am just a way for the Alpha King to get her powers or not. I'm not, but even if I tell her that, she won't believe me. 

Tonight I am heading back to the dungeons. Sabrina promised to introduce me to other innocents who would potentially escape with us. After all, I had only talked with her last night. And man did we talk, I only got back to my room at like five in the morning which meant I was exhausted this morning.

I even had to wake up earlier because I was on breakfast prep and clean-up. At least, their coffee is delicious. I seriously need to find out how they make it because I could live off of that stuff. To add to my troubles, I had to clean the parlor and the ten guest bedrooms. 

That task was exhausting. There was a reason I hate cleaning. What is the point if I do the same thing every day! It's not like someone is sleeping there each night. It was already pretty late at night. I already covered my tracks by telling all the maids I felt sick and not to bother me. That meant I was safe until morning. 

I used the same passage as last time to make my way to the dungeons. I peered behind me to check if anyone was following and made a turn, just to run face first into a guard.

Shit! I freeze not knowing what to do. Is he mad? Apparently not, because the guard chuckles. It sounded like a nice chuckle, not a you-are-about-to-die chuckle. Trust me, I should know the difference. After all, I have given and received both types.

I manage to get out, "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

The guard smiles, "I can see that, beautiful."

It takes all my will-power to not crinkle my nose in disgust at his flirting. Before meeting Alec, I would be flirting right back, but now the thought makes me physically sick. Great, it looks like my lie is about to become reality.

The guards leans towards me, "Are you alright? You are looking a bit pale."

I manage a feeble smile, "Yes, I am feeling a bit faint. I must get going. Sorry again for running into you."

With that, I run like the devil himself is after me. In a way, he was. If I was caught as a spy, I would be put in the dungeon without my potions to change my scent and appearance. That would be incredibly shitty because my mate would find me. Right now I ressemble like Emilia a girl from the Organization who just joined and smelled like my sister. It is supposed to throw people off if they knew either of them.

Deep in thought, I follow the passage into the dungeons easily and quickly. It is already becoming a habit for me. As I emerge into the hell-hole, I basically run over to Sabrina who is looking like shit. It seems that she just got tortured.

"What happened?" I ask. What a stupid question, Emma! She obviously got tortured.

Sabrina manages to smirk at me, "What do you think?"

I frown, "Will you be able to introduce me to the others in this state?"

She nods, "I think so," but ends in a coughing fit.

I tut, "No, no, no missy. Not in this state, you won't."

I reach inside my clothes and pull out a bottle. It has a healing potion in it that Glinda made for me. She told me to keep it for emergencies. One little sip will alleviate Sabrina's pain enough for me to get introductions. I hand it to Sabrina and she drinks it without question.

After taking a sip, she hands it back, "Thanks. I will have to point the different people out to you."

I nod, "Okay."

Sabrina points to the cell directly across from hers, "That's William. He got here last week and he is why the intel that the Alpha King caught one of you people started. His sister made it to you apparently and he talked to the leader a bit too before going back to get some things at home. He never made it back."

The irony of this situation is that the girl she described was Emilia, the girl whose face I am borrowing. This is going to be awkward. I approach warily his cell.

I call out, "William?"

"Emilia?" calls back Will.

I shake my head sadly, "This is just a disguise," using my usual voice.

I hear the shock in Will's voice, "Boss?"

I touch his hand, "Shh, no one can know. I am here to get you all out."

Will smiles, "How is my sister?"

I give him a matching smile, "She is well, in fact I think she just met her mate in my brother's pack."

He growls, "I won't be there to threaten him if he breaks my sister's heart."

I reassure him, "You will be back there in no time."

I head back to Sabrina, "Who next?"

She points to the cell two down, "There are a set of twins in there, Jack and Jason. They have been here for a long time. Apparently, they used to be loyal wolves, but helped their mate escape the castle. He escaped but the two of them got caught."

I walk over to them, "Jack and Jason?"

"What do you want?" growls out Twin 1.

I put my hands up, "I just want to know who I am helping escape."

Twin 2 frowns, "We don't care, leave us alone."

I tilt my head to the side, "Why?"

Twin 1 shakes his chains, "Our mate is dead."

I try to reassure them, "Are you sure?"

Twin 2 explains, "We felt the bond break."

Twin 1 says, "I don't care anymore."

I frown, "I cannot in good conscience leave you here. What about second chance mates?"

Twin 2 states, "Finding our mate was hard enough the first time. My brother and I were lucky. Another one is close to impossible."

I try to be upbeat, "Close to impossible is not impossible. Either way, your mate would have wanted you to live, wouldn't he?"

Twin 1 looks at me straight in the eye, "We will help you escape . . . "

" . . . or we will die trying. Our mate would be proud of us for that," finished Twin 2.

I return to Sabrina, "Who next?"

She points to the first cell, "There is a girl in there, a vampire. Her name is Melody. Her father tried to kill the Alpha King, but she knows nothing about it."

I wander to this girl, "Melody?"

An angelic voice answers, "Yes?"

I lean against the wall, "I just wanted to meet you and talk some."

An adorable girl came into view, "Okay."

I stare at her, "How would you like to escape?"

She claps her hands together, "Yay!"

She was truly adorable. Melody couldn't have been older than ten and here she was. What type of cruel person was the Alpha King to imprison little girls! That is just messed up to a point.

That is how I spent my night, meeting new people. There were twenty of us that I needed to get out of here. There were no other witches, but Sabrina. They just killed the last one after she nearly killed her torturer. She had been saving problems to make one last stand, forcing them to kill her. I have respect for her and that way of thinking.

Once again, I returned to my room in early morning, just in time to catch a quick nap before starting everything again.


Word Count : 1333 

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