Chapter 12

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My sleep was very fitful after the close call with my mate last night. I went through my duties like a robot, my mind occupied with going through our escape. I barely had enough potion left. I had to cut one of my doses to have enough. This meant that we would have to hurry if we didn't want the Alpha King after us. 

The stuff I brought with me wasn't important. It literally was just clothes and my toothbrush. I have more where it came from. Everyone in the prison didn't have anything for the ovious reasons.

I had finished my duties quickly to be able to get to the guards. It is simple really. Knock them out, take their clothes and a piece of their hair, then head to the prisons. No one need to freak out. It would be better to take the guards either one by one, or two by two. I would take whatever opportunity came my way.

I was pacing the hallways when such an opportunity came my way. There was two perverted guards who were currently leering at me. I swallow my disgust and walk over to them, making sure to swing my hips a bit.

I purr, "What are you two handsome guards doing here?"

"Just patroling, beautiful," says one.

I smirk, "Do you think you could keep me a little company? My room is just around the corner."

Actually, there was a blindspot in the cameras around the corner where I could knock both of you out and there is a room where I can put your unconsious bodies which happens to be sound proof. But they don't need to know that.

Man 2 looks at Man 1 before turning back to me, "Sure, you want both of us."

I attempt to act seductive, "The more the merrier."

I led them around the corner and the two followed staring at my ass. Jeez, don't they have a mate or something that they want to wait for! Of course not manwhores. I stopped and let them pass me to open the door. I grabbed a bat that was leaning on the wall. As soon as their backs were to me, I used a bat to hit them both in the head and knock them out. I dragged them into the room and undressed them, avoiding looking at them. Disgusting. I put their clothes in a corner and exited the room again.

Soon enough, I found Man 3, Man 4 and Man 5. These might be a bit harder. I saw a mate mark on both of them, so seduction won't work. I smirked as a light bulb went off in my head. This should work.

I let my eyes tear up a little, having a desperate look take over my face, I ran over to the two guards, "Sirs, please help me!"

They looked confused and Man 3 asked, "What's wrong?"

I let a tear fall down my cheeck, "There were these two men, they came into my room and wanted to sleep with me. I said no, but they undressed themselves. I panicked and hit them. They are guards! I am going to get killed! Please help!"

Man 4 tried to reassure me, "Hey little lady, you won't get in trouble. Where are these guys anyway?"

I cried some more crocodile tears, "In my room. I can show you if you want."

Man 5 nodded, "Sure, come on guys."

I led them close to the room where I grabbed the bat again. I kind of felt bad knocking them out. They seemed like good wolves, but my friends in the prisons come first. The three of them didn't see it coming. I got them inside the room and I knocked them out. I took their clothes and dragged them to the side.

I was able to do this again exchanging seducing and saying a sob story for Man 6 until Man 18. I needed two more and I would be able to stop. The only issue was the room was pretty full. The two last guards most likely woul get suspicious. I needed to come up with a new story.

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