Chapter 25

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A week at the castle and things have been going fine. 

There is just an annoyed Eric in one wing of the castle who is to be avoided at all costs. Direct orders from Alec! I think Alec hit his breaking point when I shoved Eric down the stairs. To be fair, I knew that it wouldn't kill him. Then there was the time where I tried to shoot him when he tried to know who Glinda was. I wasn't about to let that happen. . .

Well, Alec ordered Eric and I to be permanently separated. Besides that, Alec and I have been making progress. Turns out the time where he lost his shit about the Smith Organization was because he thought I kidnapped his brother. Other than that, he has reasons for hating the Smith Organization that come from thinking they did things.

Speak of the devil, Alec is here, "Emma?"

I turn to face him, "Yes, Alec?"

He walked over to me, "Your family has called."

I'm shocked, "Really? What did they say?"

Alec wrapped his arms around me, "They were annoyed that you haven't called them. Apparently, your mother and you did not leave on good terms."

I wince thinking back, "You could say that."

Yeah, last time I saw Mom, I had just escaped from Alec's castle and I was running. The time before that, I yelled at her with an Alpha Queen order and basically threatened her. She probably was also annoyed about the fact I didn't tell her when I tried to sacrifice myself when Alec attacked. My people probably told her everything.

Alec looked at me, "What happened?"

I bite my bottom lip, "I think my current issue is the fact that I didn't tell her about your attack on my base. Or the fact I nearly died several times. What did they want?"

He chuckled, "I invited them to the castle for dinner."

I turned to him, "WHAT?!"

Alec looked confused, "I thought you would want to see them."

I shake my head, "I would love to see them. Just once Mom cooled down a bit, so like in a month."

He laughed, "You're scared of your mother!"

I back away, "If you met her, you would be too!"

Alec took a step towards me for every step I took backwards, "I wasn't scared of my mother."

I raised my eyebrow, "Really?"

He shrugged, "Maybe a little."

I waltzed back over to him, "When are they coming?"

Alec smiled, "Tonight."

I looked at him shocked, "You're kidding. . ."

He shakes his head, "Dead serious."

I let a nervous chuckle, "Shit, Fuck, Shitty McShit, Shit."

Alec wrapped his arms around me again, "What's wrong?"

I looked up at him, "I am about to get yelled at so much."

He laughed, "I have something that may take your mind off things."

I turn around, "What?"

Alec smirks, "It's a surprise. Close your eyes, I'll lead you."

I do as he said, "If you make me fall, I'll make you regret it."

"Don't worry," he reassures.

Alec led me through several doors and rooms to stop in front of one I hadn't been in yet. I've been quite busy the last week. Whenever Alec was free, I would spend time with him and the rest with Glinda or Leo. With the fact, Alec is making an effort to be with me every second possible showing me the gardens, the rooms, the music room. . .

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