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No Lie
February 11th, 2019
Los Angeles, California
Sixth Week Pregnant

Vera's P.O.V.

7:45 pm.

       I told Lilly that I decided to not let Xavier know about the real reason why I've been under the weather until after I've come to a solution to fix this problem. If I decided to act like nothing ever happened and to get rid of it, I wouldn't tell Xavier or my mother. I wouldn't want to be judged by them.

I dialed my mother's number when I realized I haven't talked to her in a few weeks. I had missed her voice and that was the only thing that kept me sane at this time.

"Hello?" I heard my mother's voice fill my ears which blossomed happiness within me.

"Hi, mom. How've you been?" I asked.

"Vera! I've been good, angel. How are you? I saw the news a couple of weeks ago about you and that little boy. . ."

I sighed, scratching my nose. "Yeah, I'm good. The boy's name is Xavier and he's been staying with us since because he had nowhere else to stay."


My eyebrows pushed together. "Is that not okay. . .?" I asked hesitantly.

"No, no. It's alright. I wasn't expecting him living with you. Why didn't you have him stay at a nearby shelter?"

I fixed the blanket over my legs as I adjusted my body on the couch. "I didn't want him to."

From the corner of my eye, I caught Xavier emerge from the corridor. I waved at him and smiled when he caught my eye.

"I see. What has brought you to call me?"

I looked back and saw Xavier staring into the fridge, struggling to find something to eat.

"Hold on—Xavier, there's some leftovers from last night behind the carton of milk, unless you want something else?"

He shook his head before he smiled. "No, it's okay. That's enough for me." He replied before grabbing the leftovers from the fridge.

"Sorry, mom. What were you saying?"

"How come you called?"

"I can't miss you?" I say humorously. "Wait, can we video chat?" I had missed her face.

"Darling, I don't know how that works—"

"—All you have to do is pick up the call and have the phone facing your way."

She sighed before agreeing. "Okay."

I quickly hung up and clicked on the video chat app. I found my mother's phone number in my favorites before tapping to call. A face that seemed too exhausted had pulled up to my screen as I called her. She would notice immediately and I wasn't ready to tell her and in front of Xavier who was seated in the dining room eating his meal. Soon, my mother's faced popped up onto my screen. I waved eagerly in front of the camera as my grin widened.

"Hi, mom!" I said a bit too excitedly.

She chuckled and waved back, but she was showing the top half of her face.

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