$ T W E N T Y • T H R E E $

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Him and Us
March 22nd, 2019
Staten Island, New York
St. Peter's High School

Xavier's P.O.V.

1:37 pm.

I was in the middle of writing my conclusion paragraph for my essay when I heard someone whispering my name as if they were trying to catch my attention. I tense up as I glance around the quiet classroom filled with fifteen-year-old boys while I was still thirteen. I look behind me after I saw the teacher was passed out on his desk. He wasn't holding up pretty well. When he was giving us the assignment, he was slurring his words. I wonder what he was going through.

My eyes caught Aleksander green ones and his other friend who managed to become one of my acquaintances, Phelix Dorofay. Phelix and I met on my second day at St. Peter's and we immediately hit it off. He was just as laid back as Aleksander was, but I still wasn't comfortable with him as I was with Aleksander.

"What?" I whisper discreetly.

Aleksander's eyes gestured towards the paper that was folded in his hands. He tapped the boy one seat ahead of him to pass the note to me. When I received the folded paper, I nervously dropped it as I heard an immediate groan from the teacher which startled the whole class. I place my foot on top of the note to hide it from the teacher's line of vision.

"Pick it up." I heard Phelix whisper.

"No talking." Mr. Fuentes mumbled out tiredly before passing out again. I rolled my eyes at his behavior before picking up the paper. I bet all the boys in the classroom can smell the alcoholic breath from here.

Once I unfolded it, the paper read, "My house?" I sigh before I give Aleksander the look. The look where it said, "Really? You couldn't have asked me after class?"

He shrugged his shoulders innocently. I wrote on the paper before hastily handing it back. Aleksander quickly opened and smiled that I had agreed. I threw him a smirk before shaking my head and returning to my work.

Once I closed the conclusion sentence in my essay, I skimmed through it again. In class, we recently finished The Catcher In The Rye written by the notorious author, J.D. Salinger. I wrote about how Holden Caulfield, a sixteen-year-old boy in the early 1950s, and today's teenagers still have similarities relating to emotions towards the judgmental society. I felt proud of my seven paragraph essay as I stood up and turned it in the pile of the other student's work.

When it was my first day in English, the class was already in the last chapter of the book. Luckily, I have already read the book when I was at my last school. I always have had a big fond of books. Aleksander and I bonded over the books we read. Whether it was from the Harry Potter series to Romeo And Juliet or Lord Of The Rings series to Sold written by Patrica McCormick. I didn't take Aleksander to be a book worm, but people surprise you almost every day.

Before I got back to my seat, I stealthily grabbed my phone from the box that was filled with other students' cellular devices on Mr. Fuentes' desk. When I successfully had mine, I decided to grab Aleksander's and Phelix's too. I slipped my phone in my pant pocket before I slid Aleksander's phone and Phelix's slyly on their desks before walking towards the back of the classroom acting like I was grabbing a tissue to blow my nose.

I guess the boys and the school were already rubbing off on me.

March 22nd, 2019
Southampton, New York
Eleventh Week Pregnant

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