While They Waited

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Their daily life brought fulfillment from one another as they each realized how important the other truly was. They began to be vital to each other.

One evening over their food Galek spoke.

"I am going to have to bring Salek back. I can't hold it off any longer. I almost chewed off the head of one of the lessers today."

"Can you bring him to our bed and do it here?"

He looked at Ian.

"That is okay? Yes then."

"I've noticed you getting irritable. I'm sorry I can not ease you yet."

Galek smiled.

"One day you will. And it will be glorious."

"Come here."

Ian came around the table.

Galek untied his leathers and brought out his massive cock. He'd been reluctant to show this to Ian. He had an unnaturally large misshapen cock. Even for an orc. In fact the first human he'd bedded had died. Since then he kept a special stretching gel with him from the witch doctor. He was careful to use it every time so as not to kill those be breached. This at least was a kindness. There was one orc who did not do this but kept an endless supply of humans at the ready. He was infamous and known through out both countries. Galek was around death enough without having to add more. Galek was not going to tell Ian that story.

His cock was called a marquis. The tip was so pointed, the size of a mans thumb, that his slit was just underneath. From there it ballooned out to five inches in diameter then tapered back down to a healthy three inches all the way to the base. The widest part was not the head it was the center, rendering his cockhead almost useless.

"Touch me..."

Ian put out his hand gingerly lightly touching the very apex of the strange cock with the marquis shape. The tip so sensitive to his touch. The most sensitive place on his cock. The orc hardened.

"Aaahhh Ian. I've waited too long for that hand on me."

The man ran his hands over the cockhead and around the widest point towards the upper middle part. Amazed at the power of his hand on this great beast.

"This is amazing. I've never seen anything like it."

He licked his fingers then smoothed them onto the cock driving the orc to madness. He found his cock eye and pressed into it a bit causing the orc to growl.

"I want to do so much with you Ian."

"I'm not sure what I want."

Galek saw the falter of his demeanor as he watched the orc cock harden in his hand.

"Come here."

He gathered up the human and rocked and held him.

"I promise not to do anything to you unless it feels the way you want it to."

Ian smiled.



"Thank you. I put my trust in you then."

"You can watch me take the boy but Ian... he touched his face then his shoulders and his back and his bottom I'll be thinking of you."

He kissed the man deeply

A knock sounded.

"That has to be Serka."


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