Lose Everything To Gain It All Pt. 5

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Galek waited for darkness. 

Looking towards the city he wondered how he might find Ian.  The mother had left no clue as to Ian's whereabouts in the message.   She had mentioned "behind his house" in reference to the water but he felt that referred to Ian himself, his behind even. 

He would find someone in an alley or dark shadow place and question them.

His men had packed a large cloak for such an occasion as this and he realized he was glad to have it.  It might be just the thing for him to go unnoticed.

That day Ian had made something for his window. He told the nuns it was to keep his mind busy. It was a flame powered windmill. As night came on he placed the windmill at the window and lit candles.  The heat from the candle forced the windmill to move causing the light to sway and dance. Ian hope it would be enough.

Galek climb quietly to the top of the city wall, avoiding the sentries.  He reached the top and for a moment survey what direction he might go.  That's when he saw the light.  It was soft but appeared to flicker ever so slightly.  It moved in such a way that he knew it had been made to do it.  And he knew.  That was Ian showing him where to go. 

He silently made his way down the wall.  He'd brought a leather harness with him and it served a purpose now. 

Soon he would be at the light. 

Ian heard sounds at the window and he gingerly made his way to see. 

There below in a shadow was a cloaked figure.  He knew it was Galek.  The figure moved forward and removed his hood.

They made silent contact with eachother. Galek moved to the Abby wall holding out his hands.  Ian knee what he asked. 

He panted as he thought but then there was no time to think and sweat and worry and cower. 

He looked around the room looking for anything he might take with him.  The nun had left the bottle of herbed medicine he took that. He took the sheet on his bed and finally he looked once more. Nothing else to do but jump from the window.  He knew it would hurt him badly as he was not healed. 

At the window Galek held out his arms.  Ian closed his eyes and let himself fall, simultaneously carving a new road for himself with that choice. 

He dropped and opened his mouth to cry out but Galek covered it to muffle his cries. 

Still holding the man easily he turned immediately to get away from the city and back to his troop he held his hand over Ian unable to fully let him cry out lest they be discovered.

He noticed the frail state of the man, the bandages, the loss of some curves and his pasty skin. 

They moved in silence. Talking would come later. 

Upon arrival to the troop they turned ready to leave time was important he needed to get Ian over the border. 

Covering him in the leather harness they ran through the border brush causing Ian to suffer more damage to his body.  When finally they could stop, Galek saw clearly the mangled man and it made him sad.

Ian spoke.  "You came for me."

"Yes.  You told me to."

He smoothed the hair of the man.  A tear streaked down Ian's face.  He told the orc all that happened. 
Anger welled up in Galek and for a  moment he had turned to go back through the bush to find and kill the men but the other orcs had held him down and in true orc fashion had beat him until he submitted to them. 

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