30 Days Later (erotic finale)

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Ian lay lounging on a fur eating grapes and cheese as Galek came home that day. 

He looked adorably soft and pliable, his cone shaped breasts exposed, he wore his leather apron and his plugging jewel. 

Galek had kept the full-bodied man happy, giving him lots of head and fucking him with the family crest as he did so but was growing restless and wondering why the orc was not using him as he knew he wanted to.

Ian was content and well cared for their first days together but he wondered why Galek would not let him see him fully naked. And he longed to.

One night as Galek dried him from a bath he touched Galek's face and spoke lovingly to him.

"Why don't we fuck? Is something wrong? Is it me?"

"No no sweet boy" he'd said as he picked up the rounded man carrying him to bed.  "Be patient and all will come to you."

He laid him open and oiled his body. Paying particular attention to his little pearl of a cock as he watched his face.

"You have to trust me. We will fuck again"

He raised the rounded thighs.

Ian gasped as he pushed a long finger into his oiled heat, searching for that bundled treasure that sent the man on a high. 

"Ahhh ahhh I trust you Galek."

Ian wiggled his ass wanting more.

"And when we do fuck again, I will never stop.  I will fuck you into eternity Ian. This (he moved his finger inside him) is mine.  Now trust me. It will not be much longer."

He kissed the man deeply and dipped down to his nipples teasing them licking and pulling. He loved their shape. He loved the moans and cries that came from Ian.

Ian loved the orc and the warm friendship between them. They'd both put eachother first when it mattered most.

A week later Ian returned to his work at the palace. he was given permission to roam without his Eota so that he could begin work for the king. He was the only docca in the land that could do this. The counsel had granted him special permissions finally under pressure from the king.

Dressed in traditional docca dress he presented himself to the king.

His joining to Galek had brought new confidence to him. He was no longer ashamed of the features of his body - his large thighs and belly, his breasts. Galeks devotion to him had cured that.  He carried an extra air of pride now as he felt he belonged with the orcs - he was one of their doccas.

"Ian! You are here back from training and mating! We are in need of your expertise! Come! Come!"

The orc king bid him come closer. He was a sight. He wore a leather apron that had intricate designs pressed into it. From the side you could see his perfectly trimmed curly hair and the pearl cocklet and balls in the center. Most orcs did not speak of such things but this was the King and he was piercing.

"I did not know a man's cock could be so small."
Ian smiled.

"It is no longer used to penetrate my Lord. It is why Galek chose me. He loves it, he calls it his pearl. "

Ian blushed a bit.

"You are a treasure to him, I'm sure as all devoted doccas are."

He wore a binding on his breasts and it created a small swell of cleavage.  And finally he wore the family plugging jewel between the cheeks of his ass. The golden latch of the plug shone in the light.

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