The Training Hall

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His freedom now removed Ian had handed himself over to essentially be purchased. The Counsel had made it clear the Ian must be treated as all others and go through the training as all others.

As an educated man he thought talking to them asking them what they wanted would help. But he found he time he spoke they beat him.

He finally stopped.

The orcs pointed and made grunts as to what they wanted. Ian was left to guess quietly. Receiving blows if he was wrong. He was heard into a watering pen and beaten some more until he understood he was to remove his clothes. Then beaten some more and he was hearses to the cleaning station.

Female orcs came in scrubbing his skin like never before handling him like a piece of chicken from which they meant to remove all the meat.

He came out glowing red from the hot water and scrubbing.

His mouth was forced open and he was made to swallow thick black honey of some sort which he imagined was medicine to keep off pestilence. He nearly choked but adjusted and moved to get it down.

Another orc came in, possibly to price him. They opened his mouth. Looked under his arms and finally spread his well padded bottom to reveal his healthy pink pucker.

Have you ever been breeched? The new orc asked him.


He grunted.

Humans knew if they said they had not they would be treated better. The orc whose job it was to price the human chattel had a system. It hadn't failed him yet. He'd never had a human returned saying it was otherwise with them. He would place his finger at their opening and watch their eyes. Ever so closely. Finally he would push into them just past their outer muscle and watch to see their eyes dilate and their face flush and their breathing increase. That hadn't failed him yet.

He was just about to test Ian when the leader of the hall stormed in.

"Not that one."

"Do not breech him. His price has already been set he is to remain untouched."

Ian was exhausted. He was taken to the main room where rows and rows of humans sat in cribs chained to a bar. He was picked up and placed into one and simply left. Alone. Naked. With a pail and a blanket.

He began to shake. He found he could not stop. Finally after hours of shaking out of pure exhaustion he slept. Fitfull sleep with terrible nightmares. The sounds of the hall all around him.

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