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Penny May Parker is your average high school student... well not really. 

Penny goes to a STEM school in Gotham, and it's even harder to get into than Gotham Academy. With her IQ, and her ability to learn quickly it had been easy for her to get in. It also helps that she has a passion for science and technology, reads every science magazine she can get her hands on, and reads tons of books. 

Penny takes pictures for the Daily Bugle which includes, the Justice League, Batman, and all the teens that are vigilantes too, like Robin. Her taking pictures pays 5 bucks per image, more depending on how good it is.

Penny has also been in gymnastics and a dancer since she was three. She has been able to level up in gymnastics faster than most, and is more flexible than most. She danced for teams and would go on trips to preform. Not only that but when she was seven she started karate and hand to hand combat. She excelled in it, and fighting became easy for her, though she never used it against anyone, even her bully at school. Penny doesn't want to hurt anyone, and even though she can protect herself she doesn't, because she knows that she'll hurt them, and that's not what she wants.

Like every other teen (not really), Penny also has powers. She was given after she was bitten by a radioactive spider. She had been on a school field trip to some science exhibit. The exhibit was doing something that involved genetics, and they just happened to be working with the genetics of spiders. She also just happened to be bitten while taking pictures for the school newspaper, which she is also apart of.

She wants to become a hero but at the moment she can't, she's too busy, and she's protecting the other kids. She can wait until she's older, and when she doesn't have to worry about anyone she's living with, catching her, and possibly sending her away to be experimented on. The kids she protects are the ones she lives with. You see, Penny is also a foster kid, an abused foster kid.

Her parents died in a plane crash when she was six. She had gone to live with her Aunt May and Uncle Ben. When Penny was 13 and after she had been bitten, her and her aunt May had a huge fight, resulting in Penny leaving the house, and May running after her. May was shot by a man who robbed a convenient store Penny had just been in. Penny watched and held May as she died. Penny blames herself, but she also blames Batman. Batman was always there for everyone else, so why wasn't he for her when her aunt May was shot? He's always stopping robbers and muggers, so why did he not stop Aunt May from being killed?Then a year later her uncle Ben died had of cancer, they had not found it in time. Since Penny had no one else to go to, she was sent to a foster home, and at 14 she became an official orphan.

Penny in the past had run away twice, each time she was caught by James Gordan. He would see the bruises on her, and would become worried, yet Penny still would end up going back to the same home. After the second time she ran away she decided that instead of leaving, she should stay and protect the other kids, the younger ones from getting hurt like her. 

This is her way of being a hero. 

Sure it's not very good way to be a hero because she's just hurting herself, but there's nothing else she can do. No one would believe her if she claimed that her and the kids at the home were being abused, so what else was she to do? She doesn't want them getting hurt and because she has super healing it doesn't effect her as badly.

Even though Penny takes pictures of the hero's for the Daily Bugle she doesn't really like it. I mean she loves taking pictures and she loves getting the money, but she hates that she has to take pictures of the hero's. Penny has a small hatred for them. They claim to protect all and be there for everyone, but she thinks that that's bullshit. Her and many more are abused and hurt everyday. The hero's, none of them do anything to help them. That's also why she protects the others and gets hurt instead. If the Justice league isn't going to help them, than she will, she'll be the hero those kids deserve.  

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