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The rest of the week had flown by for Penny, she could barely even recognize that it was Sunday. That tonight she was going to go on her first date with MJ. All day she had worried about the date. She really wants to have fun and she really wants this to work out. The Young Justice left her alone and finalized their plans for her protection detail, while the Wayne boys talked and teased her about the date. Penny didn't really mind the teasing, she just responded sarcastically or flipped the tease around on them. But everyone could tell how nervous she is. So when the time came for her to get ready she ran to her room, and locked the door. She needs privacy and she's really nervous so she doesn't want anyone to see her freaking out about how she should wear her hair or if her dress is wrinkled in the wrong place. 

She took her clothes for tonight's date into the bathroom, along with anything else she might need to get ready. She stripped down, and hopped into the shower. She wanted to not smell bad so badly that she washed her body twice, and used two different smelling shampoos at the same time. She had to admit it smelled nice. 

Once she was done showering she wrapped her body in a towel and started using a different towel to dry her hair. She barely used the towel, she only needed the excess dripping to stop. Once that was done she brushed through her hair, and put them into french braids. She then dried off her body, put on her undergarments, deodorant and then pulled out the hairdryer. One easy way to get quick curls, put your wet hair into braids and then dry it with the hairdryer. Once her braids were completely dry she put the dryer away, and slipped into her dress. She put her shoes and her aunt's locket on and took out her braids. She fixed her loose curls and made sure she looked perfect. 

Penny smiles at the mirror. She looks great. Even if it's just pizza and a movie, she wants to look good for her and MJ's first date. 

As Penny was putting her phone and money that Alfred gave to her into a small purse, that Alfred also gave to her to use, she looked at the temperature for tonight. It looks like it's going to be a little chilly, but Penny decided against bringing a sweater. If she gets cold, hopefully MJ will offer whatever jacket he brought with him. 

After a few moments of taking deep breaths and reassuring herself, Penny left her room and went downstairs to find Alfred. Penny found him in the kitchen, and he wasn't alone. Jason and Dick were also in there talking to him about something, but they stopped when Penny stepped in the room. They looked at her with wide eyes, and Penny started to feel uncomfortable. 

"It's not to much is it?" 

Jason shakes his head, but Dick answers, "No it's not... you look great."

Penny chuckles, relived of his answers, "Good."

Then Alfred steps in, "Boys, you will have to excuse Miss Penny and I, she has a date tonight." 

The two boys share a look and run out of the room before Penny could say goodbye to them. Penny smiles shyly and then looks to Alfred. "So, it's not to much right?"

"No, it's perfect."

Penny smiles happily at Alfred. 


The ride to the pizza place was only about ten minutes, but to Penny it felt like an eternity. Her mind felt like it was moving faster than the speed of light, and she couldn't help but have butterflies in her stomach. She is so excited and nervous that she doesn't know if she'll be able to eat anything without getting sick. 

When Alfred stopped the car, Penny almost flew right out of the car, but she didn't. She took a deep breath, thanked Alfred and reminded him of when the movie ends, and calmly got out of the car. But she didn't fool him. He could see that he wanted to get out of that car and right into the pizza place not saying a word to him because she is so excited. It was what Bruce had done when he went on his first date when he was a teenager, but he's happy that Penny was able to calm herself down enough so she didn't accidently scare away her date with her overexcitedness. 

As Penny entered the pizza place her senses were overwhelmed with cheese and grease, but calmed down after she took a few deep breaths. She looked around at the tables, and a huge smile fell on her lips when her eyes fell on MJ. He looks great. He's wearing jeans, a button up shirt, and a jean jacket. As she was making her way over to him, he happened to look up and Penny didn't miss the look on his face. When he first saw her he looked very surprised but it morphed into a smile. A smile that matched Penny's. 

Penny sat down and they started talking. She was so focused on MJ that she didn't even remember that the Young Justice were watching her. She was just so happy to finally be on a date with the boy she's liked since she was in the fourth grade. 

The first few minutes of sitting at the table was awkward and silent, but soon the two were laughing and talking happily. MJ and her decided on getting a small cheese pizza so that when they were at the movies they could stuff themselves with popcorn and soda. It was a good choice. Penny ate half the pizza, and MJ couldn't help but be impressed. After they had finished with the pizza, they walked to the movies, got their tickets, food, and picked two great seats. 


Halfway through the movie MJ turned to Penny, tapped on her shoulder, and whispered a question.

"Hey mind if I count shoulders?"

Penny looked confused, "What?"

MJ smirks, "Let me show you." He started at his left shoulder to his right shoulder to Penny's left shoulder, before him arm settled around her, "Four shoulders."

Penny laughed slightly, she couldn't believe what just happened. She had heard of the yawn and stretching someone's arms to be subtle about putting someone's around around their date, but she had never heard of this before. She couldn't help but be surprised, but soon the feeling went away, and she relaxed into him. MJ was surprised when she leaned into him, but he was happy that the counting shoulders thing had worked. He had talked with Ned about how he could put his arm around her without it being basic, and he wasn't sure about the counting thing when Ned had first suggested it, but obviously taking Ned's advice was good. 


After the movie had ended and MJ and Penny were outside the theatre waiting to be picked they sat on a bench and just talked. They talked about the movie, about school, and even about their families.

MJ had known that Penny was in foster care, and was happy that she opened up about it to him. She told him how she was living with the Wayne's and she really loved them all like family. She told him that she never really liked to get attached to families because it usually didn't last, but this felt different. MJ told her how happy he was for her, he was happy that she was happy in a home, and happy that she got some good luck and lived with Bruce Wayne. 

After a few minutes outside, the temperature had dropped and Penny shivered. Just like Penny had hoped MJ slipped off his jacket and gave it to her to wear. When he put it around his shoulders he left one of his arms around her shoulder. Soon enough the pair fell into a blissful silence. 

When Alfred pulled up, Penny and MJ both stood up. Penny went to take off his jacket but he stopped her.

"Keep it, your car could be cold."

Penny smiles at him and slips her arms into the jacket, "Thanks."

The two of them shared a look and it took a few moments for either of them to start talking again.

"I had a really good time and I would like to do this again," MJ tells her.

Penny smiles once more, "Me too."

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