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The harsh beeping is the sound that Penny woke up to, like she wakes up to every morning. Groggily she was able to stumble out of her bed, and over to the window. She pulled back the shades and was immediately blinded by the sunlight now pouring into the room. A groan escaped her lips, and her hands flew up to protect her eyes. Now blind Penny stumbled over to Jackie and Daphne's beds, tapping them each to wake them up. She hears them groan and mumble, but instead of trying harder to get them up, because lets face it, it's not her job, she went over to her side of the closet and pulled out an outfit for the day. 

Since she's the fastest and no one else is up yet, she took her clothes into the bathroom, and locked the door behind her. Quickly she changed into the jeans, a light weight flannel shirt, and a semi baggy sweater over it. She slipped on her fading black converse, and stood up to face the mirror. She brushed through her hair, and put a few butterfly clips to keep some of it out of her face. 

Smiling at her appearance she quickly does a few things concerning hygiene, and using the toilet before walking out of the bathroom. Once inside her room she finds both Jackie and Daphne changed into their uniforms and tying their ties. Their hair is not done and neither is their make-up, which means that they'll be the next two in the bathroom because they can go in at the same time. 

The three of them share a sort good morning, and Penny gathers her homework, and everything else she needs for school, quickly slipping it back into her old backpack. She took out her old iPhone 4, that sadly has a few cracks on the screen, and plugs in her earbuds that haven't broken yet. She leaves all these things on her bed, and once she realizes that Jackie and Daphne aren't in the bathroom and not upstairs at all, Penny goes into the other girl's room, and into the two boy's rooms to wake them up. I guess you could call her their alarm clock. Once she knows that they're up, she helps a few of the younger kids with tying their shoes and tying their ties. Once all the girls have gone to the bathroom, and done their hair, she ushers them all down stairs and is met with all the boys, Jackie, and Daphne with breakfast on the table. 

All of them quickly eat and wash their plates before getting their lunches together and the rest of their school stuff together too. They all meet down the stairs with all their stuff and sadly are met with the sight of Mr and Mrs Jefferson. I guess Mr Jefferson is leaving for work early today. 

As he leaves he snarls at the kids and stomps out of the house. Mrs Jefferson scoffs at them and thankfully decides to ignore them this morning, and walks into the kitchen to make her own breakfast. Taking this as their que to leave they all scramble out of the house and stop on the sidewalk. 

Penny has to ride a different metro then the others because her school isn't near Gotham Academy or Gotham Elementary. They say their goodbyes and part ways, the large group of nine kids going left, and the party of one, heading right. Because Penny has taken this route for so long she barely even has to look were she's walking. She just turns on her music and stares at her surroundings. As she crossing the street a sleek black limo stops in front of her and at the stop light. Penny eyes it before noticing the license plate, it literally says Wayne. Penny rolls her eyes and turns her attention to something more important. 

Almost everyday does she have to watch Bruce Wayne's rich boys be driven to their school in a limo. It's infuriating. Well it is to her because she's a poor foster kid who has to walk and take the metro to school. She shakes her head, as she passes the car and doesn't notice the four Wayne's looking at her through their window.

She skips down the steps to the metro, puts her card on the scanner and goes through. She walks to the platform barely giving it any thought, and waits two minutes before boarding her train. She takes an empty seat and stares down at her phone, texting Ned, who just so happens to take the same metro but at a different stop. Sometimes Penny will miss it and have to run to school, which she never likes, but whenever she does she always gets a text from Ned asking if she's sick or late. Sometimes Ned will be driven by his mom or his dad, but when that happens Ned texts her before she even gets to the station, so you know she can prepare for the loneliness of riding on the metro alone. 

After about another ten minutes a figure sits down next to Penny. This figure is a bigger teen wearing a cowboy hat and a bright red shirt. As she looks at him a smile crawls onto her lips. He's holding up a star wars Lego figure.

"Come over to my house and we can build my new Lego death star."

"Oh my gosh, dude are you serious?!" Penny says excitedly. A woman across from them looks at the pair in an odd way, causing Penny to lower her voice a bit, "That's so cool!"

They talked a little bit more about the Lego death star, and about school, among other things. When they got to their stop together they got up and as they climbed up the stairs and into the day light they did their very complicated, really cool looking hand shake. After about another few minutes of walking through the streets of Gotham, they arrived outside the school. They were soon joined by MJ, and the three of them walked through the doors of the STEM school together. 

Penny went through her school day as normally as possible. She went to all her classes, raised her hand to answer questions, did her work, turned in her homework, talked with Ned and MJ, ate a sad lunch, and was taunted by Flash. Of course he only called her names today, which Penny was thankful for. 

After school she went to the park with Ned and MJ so they all could work on their History project that they had been assigned. So they all sat on the grass, surrounded by papers that have been strewn around them, and all over the grass. Sure the three of them are really organized people, but this was organized chaos. 

As they were working Penny's phone pinged, meaning she had gotten a message. She put down her pen and slipped her hand into her pocket and took her phone out of it. She clicked on the message and soon found that it was from Mrs Jefferson.

'Oh lord what did I do now?' Penny thought to herself.

 She read the message and then started packing up her things.

-Penny get back to the house now. We are having an important guest over, so get your ass here now!-

"Where are you going?" MJ asked Penny once he saw her packing up her things.

Penny stopped and looked up to him and then to Ned. She sighed and continued to pack up her things, as she replied. "Mrs Jefferson needs me back at the house. Apparently there's an important guest coming over for dinner."

"That sucks." Ned paused and then looked to MJ, "Well how about we work on it at lunch, and then we can talk about when we're free."

"Works for me," MJ replied.

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow."

They said their goodbyes and Penny slung her bag over her shoulder and took off in a jog towards the metro. As she ran down the street she didn't notice a man in a really nice suit talking on the phone, looking curiously at her. She also didn't notice that it was Bruce Wayne, and one thing she doesn't know is that Bruce Wayne is the special guest. I mean he's been donating to foster homes and orphanages around the city and meeting the kids, all month, so it would mean that eventually he would show up to the Jefferson's foster home. 

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