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Penny didn't have enough time to even respond to Ned, the bell rang and both of them had to get to class, and sadly they wouldn't be able to see each other until lunch considering the schedule they have today. Quickly Penny looked at Ned, stuffed everything into her bag and responded before leaving. "I don't want to be late, and neither should you. I'll explain everything at lunch."

Ned nodded in response, and the two of them split ways. 

Penny made her way through the hallways easily, for she's kind of invisible at this school. Well she's mostly invisible. The only ones that really ever pay any attention to her are her teachers, Ned, MJ (thank god), the decathlon team, and Flash (sadly). Though she likes it that way, she doesn't want to be popular, and she doesn't want the attention on her. Though sometimes the attention is on her whenever Flash happens to be bulling her.

Once Penny made it to her class, she quickly sat down in her seat, and ignored the obvious stare of her new teacher. Mrs. Lowe only joined the staff a few weeks ago, but she was more observant, and she definitely saw the giant bruise on her face, and she has made no move to hide the fact that she's staring. Also the fact that she hasn't tried has drawn the unwanted attention of other students. Penny could feel everyone's gaze on her, and her spider senses didn't help either. She could hear some whispering about her, and she could literally feel who turned to look at her and who already was. Penny turned her gaze down, and she tried to focus on the writing on her homework. She didn't want the attention, and it's making her very uncomfortable (the perks of having anxiety). Just as everyone made it into class, Penny could hear Mrs. Lowe make her way over to the phone and dial the office. Penny immediately shook her head. She should have covered up her bruise, now her teacher is going to call the office, and she's going to have to explain the trauma she went through. And she was right. Only a few moment after Mrs. Lowe started class, the school's guidance officer, and the principle came looking for her, and they pulled her out of class. 

"Penny, we got a call from Mrs. Lowe about that bruise on your face," Mr. Carlson said before continuing. "Do you think you could explain what happened for us?"

"We only want to see you safe," Principle Morita explained.

Penny was willing to tell them what happened, she thought something like this might happen, even though it has never happened before whenever she came to school with bruises. It must be because Mrs. Lowe is new, and actually cares for her students. Penny quickly thought it over on how she was going to explain what happened, and once she did, she began speaking. 

"It was my last foster father, Mr. Jefferson. He got angry and he slapped me," Penny saw the looks on their faces, and quickly continued so they didn't think she was still with him. "But it's ok now, because I was put into a different and better home. My new foster father hasn't been able to update the school yet with my new contact information, but he said that he would soon."

"Alright, it makes me feel better that you are in a safe home now. Please tell your new foster father if he could get the new information in by the end of the week, it would be great." Principle Morita turned to Mr. Carlson, "I'm going to go back to my office, I'll leave you two alone."

Then he walked off, and Mr. Carlson waited to say something until he turned the corner. He turned to face Penny and gave her a small smile. 

"I would like to have a meeting with your foster father, so have hi give me a call ok?"

"OK," Penny responded. 

"Also, I would like to possibly make appointments for you to see the school's therapist."

Penny was surprised by that, she didn't expect this. Part of her wanted to refuse therapy right away for that part of her didn't want to have to spill her thoughts and feelings to a school therapist. Though the other part of her thought that maybe therapy could help. Maybe it could be good for her to talk to someone about her thoughts, feelings, and what has happened in the past. 

"Can I think about it?"

"Of course. Now, why don't you get back to class now."


The classes leading up to lunch felt like forever to Penny. All of her teachers had been notified by the office about her bruise and not to worry about it. Penny knew they did because one of her teachers mentioned something, and a few of her other teachers kept looking at her face constantly throughout class.

Flash noticed too.

She had seen him snickering and laughing at her. They were probably making up stupid situations in which it happened. Penny didn't listen though, she didn't want to have to hear him and his friends making fun of her for something that shouldn't be laughed at. Flash tried to say something to her, but she ignored him and ran out of the room as fast as she could. She really didn't want to deal with it at the moment.


Penny quickly sat herself down across from Ned, and a few chairs away from MJ. Ned really wanted answers. So he asked so many. He asked about her face, about the Wayne's, really anything he could ask about what was going on with her life at the moment, he asked. Penny answered every question, even though part of her didn't want to, she still did. Ned's her friend and he knows everything about her, and she might as well tell him everything now rather than later, when rumors start. 

Cause, they always do.

At some point MJ moved himself closer to the pair, and intently listened to every word that Penny was saying. He won't tell you so, or will ever say anything to anyone, but he has a crush on Penny. He thinks she's really pretty, and super smart, so he just can't get over her. And something that he really likes is that he's been getting closer to her and Ned. But he won't ever say anything. 

Only after Penny explained everything to Ned, did MJ make his appearance known.

"Well that was a lot."

Penny basically jumped out of her seat, and quickly turned to see MJ sitting next her. "Oh, uh yeah."

Ned looked at the two and smiled. He ships them.

"Good luck at the Wayne's."

"Th-thanks MJ."

MJ got up from his seat and just as he was leaving, he said this, "See you at practice loser."

Even though he called her loser, Penny couldn't help but blush and feel a swelling in her chest. She really has it bad for a boy she thinks only wants to be friends with her.


At decathlon practice Penny made a fool out of Flash, to which he spilled some sports drink all over her backpack. Everything inside got wet. Her papers got wet, her books, folders, even her gym clothes got all wet. They even stained blue. 

After practice Ned and Penny walked to the subway and talked about when they could get together to build his lego death star. The whole way there and even while they were on the subway Penny didn't wear her bag, she just carried the dripping bag by the handle. Penny stayed on the same metro while Ned got off. They did their hand shake and parted ways. 

Penny just wanted to relax after all that craziness. 

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