chapter two

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scar children by shouting profanities in the park

wednesday, february 03
derek's loft
third person pov

"How are we going to unlock the other lists?"

Stiles prayed they wouldn't find the way. He liked being normal, human. Stiles Stilinski is not a name that envokes fear.

Maybe he'll be off the hook. Maybe the people who made this list won't know his true identity.

Maybe, if luck is a little less, it'll only say his true name, and not his alias.

"Well, if the first keyword was Laura, then maybe we're looking for names of the dead."

With that suggestion, everyone turned to Lydia.

"Why are you looking at me?" She asked, throwing her hands in the air.

"You are the dead detector," Isaac said.

Nods of agreement went around the room, causing Lydia to frown.


Silence filled the room.

"So, how about that Star Wars marathon?"

Groaning, everyone said, "Stiles!"


thursday, february 11
beacon hills high school
third person pov

Lydia screamed with frustration.

Stiles cringed away, "Jesus, Lyds, I know you're a banshee and all, but can you not scream?"

She glared at him, "We've been trying to break this list for a fucking week, Stiles! A week!"


"We should at least have the second part of the list after a week!"

"Well, who else is dead around here?"

"Oh, what a great idea, Stiles," sarcasm was heavy in her voice, "it's not like I've already tried the whole goddamn cemetery."

"Okay, let's try going deeper into this. Laura, what do we know about her?"

Lydia looked at her notebook.

"She was an alpha, she liked the colour green, she's a Hale, she—"

"Wait, maybe we're looking for those who are dead in important families."


Stiles took a deep breath before he started digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole, "Hale is a major family involved with the Supernatural, so what's another family that's been around for centuries?"

Lydia's eyes lit up, "The Argents!"

Stiles locked eyes with her as they both said, "Kate."

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