chapter four

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don't be a weenie, be a dick

monday, february 15
sacramento international airport
third person pov

"What the hell was that about?" Isaac asked, his voice breaking through the stunned silence that had fallen over the group.

Scott's voice was quiet, "I don't know."

He hit the redial button, confusion colouring his face.

Stiles had gone silent, trying to hide the horror that threatened to show in his eyes.

The pack knows about the Originals.


The long tone sounded and the call to Deaton went to voicemail.

"You've reached Dr. Deaton, please leave your name and..."

Isaac groaned, pressing the end button, and then turned to look at Stiles. In fact, Stiles realized that the whole pack had turned to look at him.

Play it cool, Stiles.

"W-What?" His voice cracked at least an octave higher.

"We asked if you were alright," Lydia pressed her hand to his forehead, "you turned green."

Isaac rolled his eyes, "Well, I asked if you knew anything about the Originals," he spat the word out, as if it tasted sour and unfamiliar on his tongue, "you are the resident supernatural know-it-all."

"No," Stiles looked at his shoes nervously, "nothing."

Deciding that he was being more suspicious than he would be if he did reveal something, he sighed, "There actually might be something, but I don't know if it's true."

Scott threw an arm around my shoulder, "We should finish this when we get to the hotel tonight because a) we're getting weird looks, and b) Coach is about to leave us behind."

Sure enough, Coach was yelling at them, "Stilinski, McCall, hurry the hell up. You're moving slower than Greenberg."

The pack shared a glance, nodding in the agreement to finish the conversation later, and followed the rest of the seniors to their gate.

As they waited to boarding claim, which was taking forever, by the way, Stiles stood very silent and very still. His mind, however, was racing back and forth from the grips of reality. Scott was eyeing him weirdly, and Stiles cursed, because well, he was most definitely acting weird. Stiles Stilinski was supposed to be a normal, ADHD ridden kid that never stopped moving or fidgeting. Mieczyslaw Mikaelson was the one who could stay silent and still for minutes, hours, days. He was a predator, and predators know how to stalk in silence.

He wasn't Mieczyslaw. He's Stiles.

That monster is gone. He is Stiles Stilinski.

So he pushed down the anxiety of his past resurfacing and began to tap his finger against the glass table the pack had settled at. That alone seemed to help appease Scott, because the alpha looked away and began to scan the surrounding areas.

Lydia was currently staring Isaac down while Allison watch the two of them play chess with a set that was embedded into the table, like the ones you would find in a library. Isaac didn't flinch from Lydia's glare, just sent a pleasant smirk back. Lydia raised an eyebrow in response to their silent conversation.

"Check mate."

Lydia's eyes widened when Isaac's queen moved to corner her king.

"What the hell?"

Isaac leaned back in his seat, that still pleasantly annoying smirk painted across his face.

"Flight 634 now boarding."

Coach, who had dozed off some time ago in one of the plastic chairs, jolted awake when the mechanical voice came over the speakers.

"Uh, everyone line up! That means you, Greenberg!"

Scott was in front of Stiles, who stood in front of Allison, Lydia, and Isaac. The alpha took his phone out.

Stiles peered over Scott's shoulder and down at his phone, "Whatcha doin?"

"Texting Liam. He was sick the past few days and even though he's not on the trip, I thought I might warn him in case we need his help."

Stiles mentally rolled his eyes. You would need a lot more than a tiny little werewolf as backup against the Originals. Hell, even if they had a whole army they might still lose if they were to go toe to toe against his siblings.

"Oh yeah, Liam, miss his little werewolf ass already."

Even though, Stiles wasn't looking at Scott's face, he could tell that his best friend was rolling his eyes.

And that's why, Stiles smiled, I love being Stiles. I love my friends.

I love my pack.




so how many of you would like to kill me for not updating for like nine months....?


i'm so sorry, guys. i was literally so STUCK on this FREAKING CHAPTER.

but it's cool. i finished. i know the ending is shit and then chapter is really short, but hey, it's something.



comment one please.

ummmmmm, i just turned sixteen so that's sick. um. yeah. that's it.


your loser,

song of the day (i keep forgetting these buggers): the logical song by supertramp

song of the day (i keep forgetting these buggers): the logical song by supertramp

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^^we love a sarcastic little baby

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