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"IS Braille busy?"

Carl shake his head when David asked. "But she's not in a good mood either."

"Why? We got the deal from Blue Moon pack."

"I don't know. She has been grumpy the past 3 days."

"Really?" Carl nodded.

David knocked twice before he went inside. He found his sister at her chair. She was looking down at the document atop her table. Frown is visible in her face.

"What crawl up your ass, alpha?"

Braille look up. Her scowl deepened when she saw that it was her brother and he is grinning.

"I'm not in the mood, David. What do you want?"

Her brother put the folder in her table. "This is the contract for the Blue Moon pack. I need your signature."

She opened the folder. After scanning the papers, she put her signature.

"Anything else?"

"Just to remind you this Saturday. It's your nephew's birthday." Braille nodded. "He told me to remind you of his gift."

She scratch her temple when she remembered that she has not buy the gift yet.

"What did he asked this time?"

"Your little boy asked me for a remote controlled helicopter."

"Damn." David uttered. "My son definitely knows what he wants."


"Just to remind you also, my son is just five. Please don't spoil him so much."

She answered him with a shrugged. David stood up and went out the door.

Braille take a deep sigh. She look at her watch. It was already four in the afternoon.

"Do I have an appointment later today?" She mind linked Carl.

That was the second benefits of being a werewolf. When a werewolf is a part of a pack, everyone can mind link any one as long as he or she is a part of the pack.

"You're free, alpha."

"Thank you."

She get the things that she needed and stood up. Carl is busy in his table.

"Call me when it's urgent."

Before her secretary could reply, his intercom buzz. He pressed a button.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Davis. A Natasha Russo is looking for Miss Wilson." The voice of the receptionist in the ground floor bounce from the machine.

Carl looked at her. Her heart beat faster when she heard the name of the person looking for her.

"Tell her to send Natasha to my office." She mind linked Carl before going back to the office.

She heard him relaying the message to the receptionist.

She straightened her clothes before sitting in her chair. Her eyes are looking at the doors awaiting for her guest. She drummed her fingers at the arms of the swivel chair.

She blinked when she heard a warning knock. Carl opened the door after a few seconds.

"Miss Wilson, Natasha Russo is here."

She nodded. A while later, a petite woman entered her office.

The woman is wearing a floral sunny dress. A cardigan is in her arm. A paper bag of a known brand is in her other hand. Her natural, brown curls are down.

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