Chapter 3

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I smashed my fist against the glass, effectively breaking it. The sharp edges dug into my skin, but I ignored both the sting and the blood. Instead, I reached through the opening and unlocked the door from the inside.

With an easy turn the lock opened and I pushed the door wide open. A loud squeak filled the silence, while I sniffed the air for any danger. No fresh scent of anything living inside reached me, so I entered the small cottage.

The first room I stepped into was a small living room filled with useless clutter lying everywhere. I counted at least seven flower arrangements and worthless pictures decorating every possible surface. Whoever lived here, was obviously insane. Who needs that many flowers?

Because the room was of no value to me, I walked right past it and entered the kitchen. Without stopping, I marched up to the fridge and yanked it open. The delicious items grazing the shelves had my mouth watering. It had been too long since my last meal.

The first thing I grabbed was a tube of mayonnaise, which was followed by ham, yogurt, pickles, cheese and some green stuff. I set them all on the nearest counter, before moving on to sniff out some toast.

I didn't bother with utensils as I began stuffing my face with everything in my reach. Moon Goddess, was it good. Because of my new position as a rogue, I wasn't able to eat as much as I would have liked to. And a she-wolf like me needed a lot of food.

I had no idea whose house I had broken into and neither did I care. Whoever it was should be honored for feeding a starving she-wolf like me.

I stopped only when there was no space left inside my stomach. Not bothering with cleaning up the mess I made, I began walking through the rest of the house.

My next destination was a bedroom. The closet was filled with both women's and men's clothes, telling me that the house belonged to a couple. Shrugging off the unimportant detail, I went through the woman's clothes. I looked for anything that could fit me.

In the end I picked a simple men's dark green T-shirt and a pair of men's black shorts. Everything the woman owned was either in bright colors or with flowery patters. It made me feel like barfing all over her clothes. She had the sickest taste.

Luckily, the man had some good options. His T-shirt and shorts were a little big on me, but they would do just fine.

Because there was nothing left for me inside the house, I exited through the front door. Once outside, I carefully inspected my surroundings. I was after all on enemy territory and couldn't risk getting caught.

It had been a week and a half since my mother had been kidnapped and my pack attacked. I hadn't yet given up on finding her, but it was getting harder and harder every day. Every trail I found turned out to be a wrong one.

To complicate things, I had to avoid marked pack land because of my status as a rogue. Not that I always listened to those survival instincts.

Like right now. I was in the outskirts of an unknown pack's land, stopping for some food and fresh clothes. So far the pack wasn't yet aware of my presence on their land. I intended to keep it that way until I was already long gone.

Sneaking through the forest, I almost reached the border when I caught a steady rhythm of calm breaths. My muscles tightened, preparing for an upcoming fight. However, as I sniffed the air I was met with a mixture of musty paper and strawberries. The scent of a human.

Relaxing my stance, I decided to find out who the human was. There were only two possibilities. Either the human was lost and didn't know it was on werewolf territory or it was a werewolf's mate.

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