14:Do you love Aiden

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***JOAN'S POV***
I left Jayden at the Casino and head to the Hospital to Bring Lunch for both Aiden and Gold, I hope Gold will be Discharged soon since there weren't side effects and so on.
Roaming through the Halls my hands were occupied with Chinese Takeouts as my eyes Darted to Aiden who Let out a Heavy sigh as he made his way to me.

"Aiden... You are supposed to be with... "

"I'm going home..."
he spat bitterly as his fingers massaged his temple he looks so Frustrated trying to Cope with Gold's Amnesia and Gold hasn't been making things easier for him by keeping herself Distance from him.
She once told me she feels uncomfortable when he's around.
Aiden is always with her 24/7 and she's pretty uncomfortable with that since Aiden is occupying her breathing space trying to do everything possible to get her to Remember him but it's all In Vain it's been two weeks now, the Doctor said if she can't recover her memory soon those memories will be nothing but the Past and if Gold doesn't remember or try to even have something with Aiden, I'm Afraid what Aiden would do, He almost committed suicide and if he dies all his property will be Willed To Richard.
"Aiden I know how you feel... " I Said as he just froze a bit as his eyes darted directly at me giving me a cold Stare.
"is your Heart Shattered??, is Your Heart Bleeding is your Heart in pain for trying to Love again after what happened last time??? , You Have Jayden, you Don't Love him do you?? So how do you have any clue of how I feel?? .... " he spat.
"What does Jayden has to do with this??... " I persisted
"You and Jayden Have been Dating for almost Eight years now and have you ever wondered where you both are going to...."
"What's that supposed to mean Aiden... "
"Have you guys even thought about getting Married.. "
"He's taking his time... " I cried trying to hold back my tears but they stream down anyway like the Flowing stream as I cleaned them off.
"How Long, Are you now a Course he keeps studying and failing till he finally drops out.... "
"Jayden Loves me.... " I echoed
"Then what are you waiting for before you get Hitched... " he said as he shouldered past me
"At Least I didn't rush things like you Did with Ava... " I Echoed as the Corridors trapping him in a trauma as his expression grew bitter.
"Don't Bring Ava into This, she is Long Gone.." he said
"Then When You Could just Pick anyone as your Bride why didn't you Pick One after Ava left you at the Altar???,
I'll tell you why ??
You were still in love with her
She Broke your Fragile heart
She made you Hard, all you do is Act like Richard, like you are doing now, I know you are Hurt Aiden but I don't wanna fight you, you are my only Brother exception of Richard, Gold Doesn't remember you now but that's gives you a chance to Start Anew with her, not Acting Clingy and driving her away stop Driving everyone away, Gold Doesn't need a paparazzi right now she needs a friend and she needs you....." Aiden Stare went Soft as he Breathes Slowly trying to Clear his Mind.
"I'm sorry it's Just, I NEED HER.... "
***GOLD'S POV***
Lukas leaned in Closer slowly, I don't know why but I'm getting uncomfortable as he pulls back strands of my Hair his Face was a breath away as his fingers Danced down my arm as our nose Brushes slightly. He tilts his Head sideways slowly possessing his grip on my upper arm.
"Lukas..... " he Silenced me and as his eyes darted to my lips again until the Door came kicking down as Joan Barged in Wearing a Shocked expression as Lukas Jumped Back.
"your Eyes are perfectly fine, Please take the Drugs prescribed and also you'll be discharged tomorrow, don't forget the offer.. " Lukas said as he made his way out with his wooden Clipboard call me insane but I think Lukas almost kissed me and just covered it up, I got saved by Joan Kicking the Hell disrupting our supposed kiss I hope she didn't notice.
She Glared at Lukas as he exit my Ward as her eyes Darted right back to mine, I may not remember a lot of things but I'm sure I've never been given that Stare Before it gives me the creeps.
She Slams the Door behind her as she made her way towards me handing me takeouts.
"I thought you said you didn't have a Boyfriend... " weird I think I remember having that conversation.
"He's not My Boyfriend, he's just a Friend, he Moved overseas to study Medicine... "
"I Haven't see him Before... " she said handing me my takeouts as she started to shove hers quickly down her mouth as I struggle with the chopsticks how the Fuck do I eat this again??
"well he's not from here anyways and also he just Transferred and offered me a Job at the Hospital...." Joan Coughed violently almost choking on her Noodles as her eyes Grew wider than a cat as I tried getting a bottle at the other side of my bed and handed it over to her.
"Did you accept it... " she said after her cough died down a little as she drank more.
"I didn't say anything... " I said as her hand clenched tightly to her chest.
"you Don't want me to accept..." she Dropped the Bottle as she collected my Noodles and pinched some and slowly traced it to my Mouth as she fed Me like a Baby and I didn't have any problem with it.
"I didn't say I didn't want you to accept but I won't have time to spend with you since you'll be busy and I'll miss you... "
"it's actually a NIT programme so it's not like I'm gonna be a real nurse.... "
"How long is this Programme..., " she asked still feeding me which I'm so grateful for as I slowly chew my food.
"I don't really know this is my chance to finally work in a Hospital and Fulfill my dream and Lukas just opened a Spot for me... " I persisted
"Aiden is a Billionaire he can buy you a Hospital and a Certificate you don't need to go through all that Trouble... "Joan Persuaded.
"I don't know he's kinda Clingy and I wanna earn my Spot, Money can't always buy me everything so I think I'm gonna accept... " I said as Joan wore a sad expression.
"But I don't Still Trust That Lukas Guy, it's just weird don't you think? the moment you have Amnesia the moment he decides to finally see you...." she spat Dangling the last Noodles in my mouth as I ate it.
"Maybe it's just a coincidence besides my life is filled with unexpected turns and he did say he was busy and he Transferred here because of me and he just gave me an opportunity to work in a Hospital..." I tried changing her perspective about Lukas, he's a nice Guy and I'm sure the two will get along.
"Besides he's my Best Friend, he would never hurt me... " I said as Joan Finished eating and disposed the Noodles in the Trash as she got up to Stretch.
"Joan can I ask you a question?? " she pinpointed Me down to my Bed as she sat down next to me.
"I'll answer if you answer my question?? " she said as I nod and sat up and locked my eyes with her.
"What's Aiden's Personality, Does he have a girlfriend, is he always this Clingy......"
"Woah that is more than one question, you only get to ask one and make it quick my visiting hours is about to round up any second.. " she Blurted as I nod.
"OK, what is Aiden Like??" Her Expression grew confused as she tried to figure out what the Hell I'm talking about.
"Aiden what??? " she Blurts out giving me the sign she didn't understand a word I was saying.
"What's Aiden Personality...?? " Her Shocked expression went from Blanch to a wide Smile as she grinned widely at me.
"Why do you wanna know... " she coughs still grinning as she folds her arms and got up and was in my Face.
"Because... " I stalled

"You Like him??? " she Spat out faster than a Lama in the Hot Desert.
"No I like him as a friend,.... It's just maybe if I knew more about his personality I might remember him... " I said trying to act cool but we both know that act is a sunken ship.
"OK.... " she Hyms as she rolled her eyes and went back to her seat.
"Aiden is Bitter, cruel, Hard, Rude, Greedy a man with an iron Fist and can gets anything he wants when he Focuses on it whether he belongs to him or not..." she just Made my Perspective about him worse as she grins wider.
"But, he isn't.... "
"he is on the Outside, that's what wants people to believe, that's what he wants the World to see him as a playboy and that's what the world made him to be but with you He's Sweet, nice Adorable, jealous when you are next to another guy and down to earth cares and a little bit Nasty but He loves you genuinely.... " My Heart Nearly Jumped out of my chest on her last words he loves me Genuinely.
"How???" I asked as a Nurse came in with some Files.
"Miss Knight your Visiting hours are Over... " she said I was sad now I'm going to be curious
"Just a Minute I was about leaving... " she said as I was happy maybe she could explain.
The Nurse nods giving us time alone.
"well my visiting hours are up that's a question for another day so I get to ask you my question..." she said as I was prepared for what ever she was going to Shoot.
"Do You Love Aiden..... "
****LUKAS POV****
I was in my office signing some Files until Miss Baker a Nurse who's being trying to Flirt with me walked in with her Tight uniform Showing off her Curves perfectly as I just averted my eyes seriously who tailors their uniform need some stern Talking, she purposely unbutton her Collar giving me a 3d view of her Boob's.
"Mr Lukas your Files are here..." she said in a seductive tone trying to turn me on but I looked at her Blankly.
"Thank you Betty, the Door is that way please get out... " I said without feeling as she tried to hide her embarrassment as I glanced through the Files and reports.
"And Betty get me a NIT form and a Coffee would you?? " she sighed as she Stumbled her way out of my office.
I took a break as my eyes darted a framed picture of Gold.
"The Knights always took everything away from me and I'll make them pay I'll make sure you never get to remember Aiden and I'll make sure you'll be mine again Gold and I'll make Sure Aiden sees what we will become, just wait.... "

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