16:i Want to Die

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Gold kept to her word she kept avoiding me but she still stayed with us, she goes to her program early in the Morning by 05:00am but comes back home by 09:00pm and if they overwork her she comes home Midnight, from then on I've been keeping myself busy and Trying to Move on, Jayden set me up with multiple blind dates but none turned out successful, it's like Gold Broke me Finally and worse I can't stop thinking about her.

Jayden tagged me along in a mission he asked if I could assist him, well it's time you know about me and Jayden relationship. Jayden is a Tracker, he's being working for the Government for 10 years now Tracking down Mobs and High tech criminals, he was Tracking Down one of the Biggest New York Mob Gang he Got Shot because he Went without back up.

I Was Coming Back from The Casino and I saw him Half Dead, and like the Biblical Samaritan, I Took him Home where Joan that Time Nursed him back to Well and since then I don't know how the Fuck he and Joan Started Dating but we became friends and he's the Only friend I ever had, he's kinda like a brother but he's so Dirty Minded.

He Helps me out sometimes like Track Down some Notorious Gamblers who owe me money.

Anyways He's an Heir But Ran away because of the pressure and because of his tactics and massive intelligence and also His Hacking skills, he was Chosen to work for the Government and I wonder if he prefers His old life than his rugged life.

Well back to the Mission we are Tracking one of the Notorious Scammers, Tony Steunfied a Notorious Russian Billionaire who scams People using the Government name and the Government wants him Down, Jayden said I could come, to clear my mind and get away from Gold.
Well it's not Working all I've being Thinking is Gold the Entire time even though I Volunteer to Drive, I really Miss her.

"So How's Gold... " Jayden asked....

"Not Much, she hates me now, she doesn't want to remember me and she's now running a NIT program, and she Barely looks at me, I barely see her at all she's always busy and I really miss her, why is it so Hard to remember me??? " I Blurted out as I Stepped on the brakes before the Wheels oppose the law if Motion and runs of the Lane.

"That's why I Brought you here... " He said.

"Well it's not working... " I said frustrated as I Drive the key down and stepped on the Brakes as the Engine started coughing but it just Died, we were in the middle of nowhere, the Tank was Full and the Tyres were pumped before we head out as we both stole glances from each other.

"Batteries Dead... " I said as Jayden wanted to come down.

"Don't worry I'll get it.. " I said coming down from the Car as I Went to the Trunk and Carried the Spare Battery at the Back, it weighed like a fucking elephant, Jayden was in his Laptop maybe trying to track down our Criminal.

I opened the Tank as I sighed I have to change the Batteries while Jayden was in his phone making a Call.

Probably every Nurse in the Hospital Hates me, I haven't made any Friends Lately and worse I'm being Bullied it's like High school All over again.
Especially Betty, I'm a Nurse in Training and I'm under her, she's my Mentor all she does is Tell me to Go Mop the Floors, clean the Test tubes and make the Beds it's like I'm a Janitor or a cleaner and worse she's being gossiping about me that I and Lukas had Sex in his office, countless times, I'm being insulted and murmured as every nurse secretly glares at me any chance they get.

They Taped a 'Bitch' Note behind me as an attempt to prank me until every nurse laughed at me making me look like a fool, seriously are we in high school ? what was I thinking accepting that request and worse I barely sleep.

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