15:please remember me

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"Do you love Aiden" I waited for a reply maybe any chance she could remember Aiden.
She Froze and breath in trying to remember something until her Hands started massaging her temples like she having a headache.

"Gold are you Alright?? " I asked as she Folds and started screaming hell.
"My Head.... " She Blurted out trying to bear the Stinging sensation of her head as I ran towards her.
"Gold, I know it's Hard but try to remember please... " I pleaded but she started screaming.
"I can't, it's Hard my Head hurts, Joan... " She yelled I feel so Bad For her as she collide her head against the Metal stand on her bed.
"Gold, Nurse please Help... " I said screaming as a Nurse Came in with Lukas.
"What Happened to her, what did you do?? " Lukas Yelled but I ignored as he made his way to Gold and tries to scan her .
"She's being stressed trying to remember something what did you say to her... " Lukas spat as he shot me a Cold Glare that could give me the creeps.
"I'm Sorry it's Private... " I gritted in between my teeth as I shot Lukas one last Glare as my Eyes Darted back to Gold who was being pinned down by a Nurse Screaming her Lungs out at this case if she tries to remember anything about Aiden she Might die, I'm so sorry Gold, I'm sorry I caused you this Headache and pain and Least of all i'm sorry Aiden, Gold will never Get to remember you, all memory of you is lost.
Lukas injected Gold with a Syringe as Gold calms down and slowly Drifts into sleep as I exit her Ward and walked out of the hospital.
***GOLD'S POV***
Today I was getting Discharged after that terrible hell if a Migraine and Joan said she was going to pick me up today as I waited to get my last check up.
Lukas came just in time I'm tired of being trapped in that white room it feels like I'm in heaven.
"How's My Best Friend??... " Lukas said holding. Some files as I spy a NIT form as he closed the door behind him.
"Waiting for you to give me a Check up... " I Replied as he wore a wide grin.
"you've still got your Humor it feels like yesterday when I just met you and you just sat down there and I gave you a check up... " I let out a giggle as his pen taps his Clipboard.
He pushes his Black hair Back making him more attractive than ever, I think I've seen someone do that before, but Nah it doesn't matter it makes him look Sexy.
"You Idiot because it was just yesterday.. " I giggled the more as he shot me a wide grin.
He drops his clipboard down as he slowly made his way to me his Fingers Combs my hair down to my waistline as his other finger tapped my chin and once again tilts it upwards to face him.
His Other hand left my waistline as it Prints on my cheek as both his hands now cup my face as he leaned closer, my heart was beating so hard I'm sure it was gonna jump out of my chest.
"Lukas you are too close... " I shove my Hands to his face to in an attempt to stop him but he hold out my hands and examined my Fingers there was a big shiny Gold ring  as his face grimace in Disgust. As he slides the ring off my Fingers.
"Where did you get this Ring??... " He half yelled as I moved back a little.
"Nana gave it to me, before she died she gave it to me with.... With..... With.... A.... " My Head aches as I try to remember but I can't as Lukas clenched the ring tightly shut in his Fist and pushes my Bangs out.
"You don't need this Ring.... " He said as he walked towards the window
"But... Nana gave it to me before she died... " I sobbed.
"This Ring is nothing but I'll Luck, I don't want to see it in your finger ever again do you understand... " He said in a stern voice as I nod my Head and threw the Ring out of my Window as I felt like he threw something I was connected to that was part of me, I tried to push back my tears but it was too late.
"Don't cry Gold, I only want the best for you, soon you'll know everything and I'll make sure you see the kind of person he is... " He said as a nurse came In with some files.
"Doctor Lukas, Your 01:00pm is here... " She said as she Glared at me and Lukas turned to face her.
"Didn't you see the Door was Locked.... " He Yelled at her rudely as she started to shake.
"But..Doctor Lukas... " She Stammered as Lukas shot her a glare.
"Buy your self some manners, next time knock before you come in, also this Is Gold help her Fill her NIT form and next time you apply your poor manners I won't think twice before giving you a six year suspension and I'll make sure you never get to work in any Hospital.
When you are Done Gold please report to me... " He said as he exit the office as The nurse hands me a Form as she glares at me.
That Ring looked exactly like the one Aiden was Wearing a Yesterday, if by any chance that rings traces any memory of Aiden my plan is all in Vain, where ever that Ring is, its History, not Even some Stupid Accessory Will risk my chances of getting Gold.
****AIDEN'S POV****
Joan Convince me to go pick up Gold since she's stuck at The Mall and won't be able to make it.
I brain stormed ways to start a conversation when I get there, I Decided to take an Elevator as a Nurse rushes in as if she was Late.
Her Ring caught my attention as I realized it's the exact replica as mine, Nana gave it to both me and Gold before she Died as she Pressed a Button and the Elevator starts going up, I pulled my Mask up to Conceal my identity.
"Nice Ring... " I said as she shot me a flirty Smile as she tried to show it off the more.
I Pushed a button as the Elevator stopped.
"You have Delicate Fingers..." She Giggled thinking I was interested in her.
"Thank you, Aren't you a Player??... " I took her by her hand and played with her fingers as I trapped her in a Barricade.
"Sir What.. "
"That Ring where did you get it... " I asked as She Gulped down hard.
"I.... My Boyfriend bought it For me... " She lied as my Hand Searched her Throat as I made sure cutting any form of circulation as she tried to struggle with me.
"I could kill you right now and drag your body down to the Gutters, I hate Liars and being lied to, that Jewelry in your Finger is one of a kind it was Worn by a Knight she passed her Blessings into it before she died and gave to a most Prized Jewel, it would be a shame for you to get your Fingers Cut off, or Die wearing it, So now talk where did you get it... "I yelled as she quiver in fear.
" It dropped right on top of my head on my way to work this morning it Fell from a room in the Hospital, please don't Kill me... " She sang as she slide the rings off my fingers and she hands it to me.
"Good girl now get out before I dance in your Blood, and if anything about this gets to anyone I'm gonna make sure you regret the day you walked on the earth... " I said as she pushed a button and went out of elevator and I slip the Ring in my Pockets and head to Gold's Ward to See Her giving a Form to A Nurse as the Nurse left us both alone.
"Hi... " I said as she nods brushing her Bangs off.
"Where is Joan?? " She asked And we both know she doesn't want to see me.
"She's Busy, I thought I could pick you up instead and maybe we could tour New York together and get to know each other... " I said as my eyes Darted right to her Finger she wasn't wearing her Ring.
"What happened to your Ring.?.. " I asked as she Jumped Slightly.
"Nothing I don't have a Ring... " She liked through a poker face.
"Wrong, Nana gave you a Ring before she Died... " I almost yelled but I tried to say calmly.
"How did you know?? " She yelledThat's it I can't keep it any longer.
"Because she gave it to both of us, Can't even the Ring get you to Remember me Gold, why do you hate me all of a sudden why won't you remember me and most of all why did you throw away your Ring... " I blurted out in frustration as she tried to walk out on me.
"You think trying to remember you is easy, without getting a hell of a headache, I don't want to remember you, I don't know what we had and I don't want to know, I want all those memories to be dead, I can't kill myself just so I can remember you OK, I threw away the Ring because I don't want anything connecting to you, it's all Gone the Gold you trapped in your fantasy is Gone so Fuck off... " She said admist in her tears.
I pulled out the ring as I Slipped it down her Fingers.
"Gold please remember me.... " Her eyes welled up as she pushed the Ring off her Fingers and threw the Ring at me.
"I'm taking the Bus, Lukas gave me some Money, Unlike you, ever since he came he's being helping, he Helped me with the unnecessary migraines you Caused and helped me signed up for NIT program so I get to work in the hospital and that's a good thing cause I get to be far away from you, you can go home good bye Aiden.." She said in Sob as she tried to leave but I took hold of her hand.
"Gold Please........ "
She Jerked violently away from me.
"I'm sorry Aiden, I can't remember you...... " She said as she left me as I squat and picked up the Ring, Gold is Gone if the Rings won't help her remember then nothing Will.

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