32: forbidden secrets

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Oh my God Ava is Gold Half Sister.
It all makes some sense now the Familiarity they are both Blonde they both have the same pointed nose, Dimples but Ava has paler skin than Gold.
Gold has a Golden Tan skin, Ava has brown eyes though, but Gold has Golden Ember Eyes and in an unrelated note they are both in love with Aiden, I guess.
I need to do some more research Maybe this could just be a coincidence though they share an Uncanny resemblance if you get to Notice it but anyone can, it took me a year to realise Aiden and Joan share a Resemblance, so same applies to Gold and Ava.
"Miss Veronica Do you Have any Idea Which orphanage Meava was Sold into.. " I asked hoping she would give me more Detail.
"I Would but the Orphanage Got Shut Down ten years ago after Some illegal Scandal but you could take a look at the Certificates maybe you could find a clue.." she said bringing out some Certificates in an envelope.
"I Fredrick Shawn Legally Will Meava under the Custody of The Simones, they have Full responsibility to Care Feed and watch over the Child and according to the Law signed by me Meava is now legally their Daughter, the Simones will sign the adoption papers... " I read the Deed which kind of man sells his own Granddaughter, Delilah didn't ask to be raped.
Something is Definitely wrong.
I glanced through The Deed and Down to the adoption papers it proves that Ava was adopted alright but something isn't right about Delilah's Rape Case.
"Did Delilah ever Disclose her rapist..?? " I asked
"No... She never ought to tell me even though I asked and for some reason her Father just Turned on her and Despise her ever since she was raped. " she looked down at her thigh not making a Single contact.
"Did She Disclosed the Place she was Raped?? " I asked.
"When I even asked to involve the police her Father Threatened to Divorce me if I included the Authorities like... "
"He was Hiding Something.. " I completed her statement.
"Well Look at the Time it's almost time for my 02:00pm afternoon Therapy... Sorry I have to cut this interrogation short.. " Miss Veronica said sluggishly getting up she was a bit nervous and her Voice High like she was hiding something.
I Shot her a Warm smile to ease the Tension, it feels like she doesn't want us to know more than we Should.
"Well thank you Miss Veronica you've been helpful we will keep In Touch.. " I said signalling Damon to Follow as he obeyed.
"Well... " She slammed the Door against us before I had any other thing to say.
"That is Shady... " Damon Blurted.
"Shady indeed she isn't telling us Everything... " I said Brainstorming what she could be nervous about.
"What Now Sire, Should I prepare the Rocket Jet back to England?? " Damon asked but I zoned out, my eyes glued to the White wooden Door.
"No Rent a Van and if possible a Motel We aren't leaving Spain until we get Answers... "
"But Sir we have all the Answers we need, we know That Ava and Gold are Sisters and a lot more information and profile about Delilah that the world doesn't know and we know she wasn't involved in the Drug Scandal What else?? " Damon asked as I Smirked at his Curiosity.
"Delilah's Rape Case was never Solved it's time we Unravel the Mystery... " I turned as I shot him a grin.
***GOLD'S POV***
I fell Down on my Knees before Princess Khloe as my Mask Peeled off from my Face.
"Who are You?? " She asked
"I'm Gold... And we need something from you?" I said as she Glared at me and right back at Stella.
"I don't buy any of it, I know my Uncle sent you to kill me, like he Killed Embrya.. " She said as a tear slide down her cheeks.
"Well we tried maybe we can find another clue, Gold let's Go I'm not playing this game with a Sixteen year old.. " Stella Persisted pulling me up as I jerked off away from her grip.
"Can you hear yourself, She just admitted she's the princess she Can Help us.. " I said as Stella rolled her eyes she's the queen of eye rolls.
"Why Should I help you two, by the looks of it you both are probably in your late thirties under heavy plastic Surgery.. " Khloe spat while I held Stella from giving her the beating of her life time.
"For Your information I'm 23, and this is my Real Face.. " Stella pouted as I pushed her out of the way.
"Look I'm Gold..."
"I know who you Are, Gold Bailey, you're 19 right?? You are running a NIT program in Cambridge Hospital the Same Hospital Embrya used to work in, I hear you are still a Virgin, Right ?? Your Dad is a Notorious Gambler and Drunkard who squandered all your Savings and now he's in a Comma thanks to your Billionaire lover... " I stepped back a little this girl is a Witch as her lips curled into a Devious Smirk.
"How Did you??? " I stepped back shocked as Stella Held on to me before I passed out.
"You are Shocked Right?? " she asked as I nod.
"My Embrya always talked about you earlier I didn't like you because I thought my Uncle Sent you.. " She Stepped aback Dangling on the Edge of the Building.
"But I Goddamned hate you the More.. " She said with a Blood Shot glare.
"Khloe watch out..!!!" I yelled wanting to run over to her as she Shot me one last Glare.
"Stay Away From me!! " She said with Venom in her voice and Hatred in her eyes as she jumped off the Building, my Heart Dropped, I Fought away from Stella grip running to the edge to see if she was Dead. But she Jumped down a Stair Rack and Successfully got Down Escaping from out grips.
"What Now she already has a heads start it's Fruitless running after her... " Stella Whined as my lips curled into a satisfying grin
"Good thing we know where she's Going and I think I know someone who can direct us there... " I said picking up my phone.
I Stopped after realizing I lost them and I wasn't followed anymore, my cheeks were wet I hate the Fact I can't hold back my tears anymore.
I quickly wiped my cheeks dried gasping in air thinking about what now.
I Can't stay with Penny Forever, my Uncle's Men will eventually Find me, they could kill me like they did to Embrya or worse sell in the black market or an Auction or Something.
I thought about what that Gold Said, I Don't like her and I always Hated her, from the first time she appeared as Cafe girl on the news she straight up insulted Aiden Knight the billionaire, I heard she was responsible for the Death of Charlotte pines the Fiance of Richard Knight and the reason his Face is the Definition of Fire Lord Zuko.
Worse When Embrya's Work mate Betty came over She Ranted that she got Fired because of that bitch leaving poor Betty Jobless.
Betty even said she Has Slept with three different men especially that Good looking Doctor Lukas and Embrya Claims she's a Virgin after Spotting a Hickey, Virgin my Foot.
She's the Definition of a Slut but why would Aiden be caught in a Make out Scandal with her in the Cemetery, After her Reputation.
I guess She's Charmed him poor Aiden.
If I had power I would have Had her burnt by Fire tied to a Stake.
I know it's Harsh but I just hate her.
I took a turn it's almost getting Dark I yawned and think about my excuse to Penny because she will be flipping out, no offense I love Penny but she's been a little overprotective.
I walked into a building as I raced up to the 13th Floor using the stairs buying me more time to cook up a story.
I stood in front of my Porch maybe she's back at her apartment but I tapped on the door to check.
"Come In Khloe.. " She sounds Calm I expected her to yell or Swear I Shrugged as I clicked on the door knob.
I put on a calm face to be less Suspicious as I let myself in to See Stella and Gold with Penny, I growled as Penny stood up and threw her Hands over Shoulder, Slamming the Door shut.
"How Did they Get in here.." I growled glaring at Gold.
"She Let us in and are we going to talk or play games Missy..." Stella said as she pulled out a Share for me to sit Down.
"Why did you let them in.. "
"Khloe remember I told you about my Missing friend who worked at the Cafe and Mysteriously Disappeared.. " I Nod in Unison.
"Here She is.. " She said pushing Gold in front of me.
"How Did you get here before me...." I asked still shocked.
"We will answer when you start talking.. " Stella spat
"I rather Drive a Fork Down your Fragile heart.. " I said coldly.
"Khloe!!! " Penny Called but I didn't care
"Don't Khloe me They are Here to take me back to London.. " I yelped while Stella Hissed under her breath.
"For the Last time we want nothing to do with taking you back to London…" Stella said frustrated I know how to mess with them.
"And why Should I trust You?? " I asked.
Gold who walked up to me as she squats to my Level I swear to God I would spit on her face.
"Because believe it or not Your Uncle is Dead.. "
"What are you guys talking about?? " Penny asked confused.
"What Do You mean he's Finally Dead?? " I asked
"How Dumb are you ? Your Uncle Died by Hanging after your Brother returned to Claim the Kingdom from him which means …" Stella said as she rolled her eyes
"My Brother is back, I Can go Home, wait when Did he Die?? "
"Last Week the Same time Embrya died your brother reclaimed the Throne..And some how it connects to Embrya's Death and we found out Embrya was digging through research on a Case in the Hospital and turned up Dead... " I gasped
"Even if it was all true what makes you think I would grant you your request.. "
"Please we Need it.. " Gold pleaded.
"Denied... " I sobbed.
"What is Wrong with you we are trying to know the Cause of Embrya's Death and you are here acting like a child.. " Gold spat infuriated
"I don't Care, Embrya's Gone I've moved on and I advise you do so... " I said turning my back but Good Pulled me back.
"if I don't get what I came for I'm not going anywhere... " She Said shooting me a cold glare.
We Went to the Police Station to see if they could be of any help as Damon escorted me.
I'm only Familiar with Antonio he's an Old Cop from Spain I was Paired with him to Track down the Tunnels across the Border between Mexico and USA.
"Excuse me Sir..? " I said as I pushed my way in his office ordering Damon to wait outside.
"what do you want?? "I pushed my mask down to reveal my identity.
"Jayden is this you I thought you were Dead?? " he asked Shocked as I let out a Chuckle.
"An Agent Never Dies... " I said as he laughed at our made up Motto.
"Sit Down what Brings you here?? " he asked offering me a seat.
"Actually I need a Favor about any Rape Cases.. " He gawked at me like I was some Lunatic.
"Are you Joking this is Spain we get rape Cases everyday some aren't even paid attention to ... " he said going back to his stamping.
"It's About a Delilah Bailey, does it ring a Bell?? " I asked, he stopped what he was doing giving me a Subtle quiet look.
"How Did you Find out?? " He asked in a cold tone.
"Find out about What?? " I asked Confused.
"Swear To God you Won't Tell... " He threatened scared.
"Antonio What are you talking about.…?" I asked as he squats down handing me some rape case.
"Take it and Leave, I keep your Secret about being Dead and you keep your Mouth Shut on what you are about to see.. " He said as I opened the File and looked down at it glancing through until my Eyes Darted to a shocking information.
"Thank you Antonio.. " I said heading back to square one.
05:00pm Sharp Miss Veronica came home as she unlocked the door looking for any signs of Jayden.
She breathe a Sigh of relief that she didn't put the family name to the gutters.
She Switched on the lights and behold Jayden sat down comfortable in her Midst as Damon Glares at her.
"You know What Miss Veronica I was beginning to like you but now I'm starting to see no difference from your Husband... " Jayden said Sat comfortable on the Recliner.
"How Dare you break into my House, get out before I call the police!! " She yelled defining her doom.
"You should be the one AFraid For you to Talk to The King of England that Way... " Damon blurted reluctantly earning gasp from Miss Veronica as She Fell down her knees.
"Your Highness please pardon me, please don't punish me.. "
"What Do you know about the Rape.. " She went Mute.
"I..... I... I... " She stammered as her breath hitched.
"You said Your husband threatened to Divorce you if you involved the authorities but yet you did and you lied that you didn't because the Truth was too painful to Handle, I already know it, I know how much it pains you Miss Veronica it's only me, you and Damon, I want to hear it from your lips and again I ask you Who is Responsible for Delilah's pregnancy.. " Tears Freely Flowed down her Cheeks.
"it was.... It was... It was... " She stammered.
"Speak up Miss Veronica.. "
"it was Fredrick Shawn, my Husband he's responsible for Delilah's pregnancy.... " She said as she broke into a sob.
To be continued

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