The old way

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"Bruce, I've found something really interesting." Clark panted heavily as he was still recovering from his long flight. "That's great Clark, but I'm currently busy." Bruce responded with a grunt, not even bothering to get from under the batmobile he was repairing.

"It's a boy."

"Is Lois pregnant again or did you find sudden interest in men?" The billionaire pushed himself from under the car with a smirk. His friend wouldn't show up so suddenly if it wasn't one of those cases. Clark gave the man an unamused face while he helped him on his feet. "No, the boy I'm talking about is somehow linked with Phantom."

"In what way." Bruce narrowed his eyes and strolled over to the super computer to put up a file of the villain. "While I was fighting Phantom, I managed to take him down in a small mountain village. His teleportation ability is..."

"Clark." The vigilante stopped the hero before he could continue his long and thrilling story. "Sorry." He apologized and soon returned to the point. "When I defeated Phantom, a kid was standing nearby, not moving away from the danger. Villagers soon gathered around and  started yelling at me to take away a certain boy too. The boy that was standing nearby moved, trying to get away, but a man brought him back. When his face wasn't covered anymore, it was as if you put a de-aging mirror in front of Phantom. The exact same copy. Then I took him home because I felt bad for him."

"You're telling me that Phantom has a child?" Bruce asked, totally surprised. The villain they were speaking about was not the father type and he was completely different species too. There was no way.

"No. Well sort of. They seemed to recognize each other or something, like they had a moment." Clark chattered, trying to remember what exactly happened.

"Could you give me a detailed description? Name?" Bruce asked, switching into his Batman mode. "Well, he looks like Phantom, but younger."

"Stupid question." The Bat grumbled as he set a new file for the ghost. "Name?" He asked again, daring the other man to make any more funny comments.

"I didn't get his name..." Clark rubbed his neck awkwardly, avoiding direct eye contact with the glaring vigilante. "Guess we'll have to pay him a visit?" Superman laughed nervously and slowly started backing out of the cave. "Call me when you're leaving!" He shouted before he disappeared into the darkness. Batman just rolled his eyes at the stupidness of his friend and returned to researching his newest suspect. The ghost child.

It didn't take long and the man was yelling in frustration. "This is modern era! There is internet and my computer and I can't find a single clue about the child!"

"Master Bruce, have you considered turning that computer off and doing it the old fashion way? Go into the field and gather evidence?" The trusted butler spoke from a platform above. Times like these, Bruce had suspicions that the man living by his side wasn't a normal human.

"You are right, Alfred. I'm just tired." The vigilante sighed and turned off the computer as he was advised. "I need so..."

"Some coffee?" The older man finished for him and brought a steaming cup full of the black liquid. "You're the best." Bruce smiled slightly as he sipped from his coffee. "I guess I'll call Kent on this one."

"Good idea, Master Bruce. I shall await your return." Alfred bowed slightly and disappeared into the shadows yet again. Gulping down the last bit of his drink, Bruce hurriedly changed into his Batman uniform and prepared his jet for a take off. Once inside, he dialed Superman.

"Don't tell me, I'm already heading to the cave." The bat rolled his eyes at the antics of his colleague and in mere seconds, he was ready for take off with Kent sitting in the back.

So sorry for the shorter chapter, I just didn't have any idea how to continue this part from their perspective without making it super boring. Welp.... the next one should be interesting... (or at least I think😅)

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