Gun vs Bow

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guys, the picture above is mine. If you would like to use it somewhere, please give me credit. I got inspired by Auden

Jason wasn't very pleased by his own late arrival. He promised Zephyr he would bust him out as soon as possible. The vigilante walked into the prison department where the boy was being held, happy to finally see his little face. What he walked into wasn't exactly something he expected. The poor little ghost was huddled in the corner of his cell, sitting in a pool of his own green blood.

Only loud clinging of keys unlocking the cell doors brought Zephyr his consciousness back.
"No! Please, don't hurt me!" He cried out and held his head. Jason has been in this situation before, but the person wasn't injured. It brought back memories of his first weeks with Danny when the boy had a panic attack.

On instinct, he kneeled in front of the person and tried to calm him down. Zephyr's red orbs scanned his comforter and when he recognized Jason, all the horror suddenly washed away.

"He hurt me, Jason!" The boy cried out and buried his bloody face in Jason's chest.

"Who hurt you?" The man asked while stroking Zephyr's head slowly.

"Danny's brother... your brother..." The boy whispered between his ragged breaths. Jason needed no more clues to figure out who hurt this poor little soul. Tim and Dick were harmless, leaving only Damian. And he was sure that Damian would go into this length for information, even with a child.

"Can you stand?" Jason asked while standing up himself. Zephyr tried, he tried really hard, but his legs just didn't work right.

"I can't." The boy hung his head, being ashamed of his weakness. He has brought Jason many problems in the past few hours they knew each other so it wasn't that surprising when a thought of being left behind crossed Zephyr's mind.

Only now did Jason do a full body scan for injuries. When he walked in here, all he could focus on was the boy's bloodied face, the other cuts on his body seemed to vanish for that moment. The bleeding wasn't deadly, Damian thankfully didn't pierce any vital organs.

"He tried to disembowel you!?" Jason shrieked in a fit of rage that suddenly overcame him. His hand reached into his utility belt for bandages, but instead he pulled out a knife. Zephyr yelped out in surprise and scooted away from the lethal weapon. The man looked at his hand and when he realized what he had pulled out, he chuckled slightly.

"You don't have to worry Zephyr. This isn't for you." Jason looked at the knife for another second, his expression slowly twisting into one of hatred. "This is for Damian, just to rough him up a little."

"O...ok." On his second try, Jason took out the bandages successfully and knelt down to attend the boy's injuries. A tear or two escaped Zephyr when the pain rushed back. As Jason's fingers accidentally touched the skin around his wounds, the boy couldn't help but flinch. The man's hand immediately retreated with a worried look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I have nothing for the pain." Jason apologized and returned to the wounds. After a few more breaks, Zephyr's abdomen was wrapped tightly, temporarily stopping the bleeding. 'When they get somewhere safe, he'll have to stitch him up.' Jason thought. Zephyr may be a ghost, as proven before, granting him quick healing, but somewhere deep inside was Danny, the human part which didn't have the mentioned ability.

"It's noon. That means few people should be around." Jason spoke quietly. His muscular hands reached for Zephyr with intention of picking him up. The mentioned boy didn't protest considering his wounds.

With Jason's long and springy steps, they were out of the prison corridor in no time. As the boy was carried through a hall, he couldn't not notice his surroundings. Walls made of glass were covering one side of the hallway. The breathing view behind it...

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