Another way to get there

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"Grandpa come home. Grandpa come home. Grandpa come home..." The ghost child repeated, slowly going crazy. It may have been only about a day since his grandfather left for a mission or something, but to his young mind, it seemed like forever. There was yet again nothing to do after the superhero dropped him off at their house porch.

The morning silence was disturbed by loud thrusters, making the whole house shake a little. The child's curious personality brought him to the window where he peeked out. Zephyr was lost for words. The beautiful machine, he has never seen something like that. Of course he heard about jets and planes, but he has never really seen one, until now.

Two men, one dressed in black and one in blue, stepped out of the black jet, looking around. Zephyr recognized the blue man, he saved him from angry villagers a while ago. If he brought a friend with him, that couldn't mean anything good. They were after him. The little ghost started panicking and he instinctively turned invisible.

Outside of the walls, Superman led the Bat to the building he remembered as the one belonging to the crying child. To be 100% sure that was the right house, he used his X-ray vision first. There he was, huddled in a corner, all alone.

"We're on the right address." The blue hero announced as he flew over a small fence that was supposed to hold them out.

"Do you realize this location doesn't have addresses?" The bat pointed out as he jumped over the fence with practiced ease. He scanned  his surroundings; farm animals, a small field, completely normal garden fit for mountain survival. The loud sound of Batman's jet brought them some attention. People came together, forming a big crowd in front of the small wooden hut.

Gossips were spreading and they soon turned into murmuring. The whole street was buzzing with voices, each trying to present their own theory of why the heroes were here again. "Did you change your mind about collecting the disgraceful creature?" An older man called out, stepping closer towards the fence.

"What's his name?" The vigilante asked in a demanding way. "His name is Zephyr. No one knows his full name." The old man responded with a frown, as if only saying the boy's name was something bad. Batman would like to question the man further, but there were too many people with various opinions that would get in his way. With a swift turn, the Bat opened the door to the hut to get some answers from the source, leaving Superman behind.

The room was dark except for few streaks of light that made their way inside through the thick curtains. After a quick scan of the house, Batman wasn't able to find a single soul. He turned his optics on thermal vision and looked around once again. There he found him, huddled in a corner behind a big wooden wardrobe. Approaching him slowly seemed like a good idea. What he didn't expect was to be shoved backwards with force strong enough put down Superman. Without thinking, Batman threw a handful of white powder into the air, immediately pinpointing his attackers location. The boy yelped from surprise when something heavy tackled him, pinning him to the ground. Unable to move, he turned visible again.

Superman frowned slightly at his partner's behavior and lifted him off of the boy by his cape. "This is no way to approach a child." He scolded him, but it was soon replaced by a small smile. "You should know that." The alien then averted his gaze back to the curled boy and kneeled next to him.

"We've met before. Nice meeting you Zephyr." The mentioned boy relaxed at the somehow familiar voice, but it didn't last long. Images of being taken away flashed across his mind, quickening his breathing. Superman sensed the coming panic attack and decided to do some comforting before asking questions.

"It's ok. We didn't come to take you away. Batman and I just want to talk a little." Two frightened red orbs peeked from behind Zephyr's hands. He was glad they weren't going to take him away, if what they were saying was true, but he didn't drop his guard just yet.

"Can we sit?" The blue hero asked and helped the ghost on his feet. Zephyr dipped his head in the slightest nod and shuffled towards the table for two. With his shoulders hunched, he sat slowly opposite of his interrogator and immediately averted his gaze to his hands that were resting in his lap.

"What's your full name?" Superman asked gently, looking at the boy. "Zephyr." He answered shyly.

"I meant your last name. Like Mason Pines or Bill Cipher..."

"I don't have one, sir." The blue hero was a little shocked by the way the boy addressed him. Normally, kids call him Superman or by some nicknames. "No need for formalities." He chuckled. "You can call me..." the adult didn't have time to finish before the ghost interrupted him.

"Clark and Bruce." He averted his gaze slightly to look at Batman, who was standing in the corner of the room, listening. "If it's ok." His eyes hardened as he approached the small wooden table.

"Who are you talking about." The vigilante growled and leaned forward as a form of intimidation. "Yo... You are Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent." The boy stuttered and looked down again. There was no point of trying to deny their secret identities. The best course of action would be to find out how he knew.

"How did you know." Bruce asked calmly, taking a step back. "I don't know how. I just do. The names just popped in my mind."

"While we are at names, who are you living with?" Clark asked with crossed arms. "You sure don't live by yourself."

"No, I live with my grandpa, but he went away for few days." Zephyr answered, feeling a little uncomfortable around the two adults. He didn't like how they were prying in his personal space and life

"And what may be his name?" The little ghost was caught off guard. When he really thought about it, he never called his guardian other than grandpa. In fact, he didn't know his real name at all. "I... I don't know. He's... he's just grandpa."

"Well this is weird." Clark commented and looked at his partner. "Kid, I'd like to ask you some more questions, but this isn't the best place." The bat crouched to be at the same lever as the boy. Zephyr knew that coming with strangers was a bad idea, something his grandpa warned him about. Suddenly, the men weren't looking so friendly to him anymore. What if their nice behavior was a way to get to him? A way to drag him somewhere secluded where they would experiment on him? Oh yeah, grandpa told him about those things and about being special. "People will eventually come by, looking for you. Never trust them, they want you for your powers." His words popped up in his mind.

"No, I can't." Zephyr shook his head and stood from his chair quickly. He needed to get out of there and fast. In a split of second, the boy was passing through the solid wall, running across the lawn. The doors opened abruptly only seconds after his escape, the black dressed man running for him. The black mask with burning white optics distracted the boy enough for him to lose his focus, therefore his cloaking ability.

At the same time he turned back forward, he ran into a tall man that didn't hesitate to grab him. "Let me go!" Zephyr trashed wildly while screaming.

His natural self defenses kicked in and a shot was fired. Everyone quieted down when they saw what happened. The village's disgrace was just standing there, his clothes covered in crimson red liquid. A man with a big hole blown right in the middle of his chest was lying lifelessly on the ground, a display of the demon's work.

There wasn't much to think about before Batman grabbed the kid ruthlessly and injected him with an ectoranium-based sleeping drug. He killed a man, he had to be questioned properly and dealt with.

I'm really sorry it took me so long to post something. I had to rewrite this chapter because it was a piece of s***. I'm a little more satisfied with this outcome so I hope you will be too. Again sorry for not updating.


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