Shadows of weaklings

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The first punch connected with a sizzling sound. Then another, and another... until Phantom laid beaten on the ground, face bloodied and a step away from death.

The next step was painfully obvious to the boy.
One more hit and Dan would cease to exist. Only a swing of the arm would finish him off, but he just knelt there, frozen in his place just like moments ago when Dan approached him.

There was nothing his body could do.

His thoughts were at war...

His beliefs were at war...

His heart was at war...

"I can't kill you..." Zephyr breathed out, the heaviness of those words hitting him like a truck. He has been fighting with himself for so long, repressing the real truth and replacing it with lies, that he almost forgot what it felt like to be certain of something.

"I can't kill you..." he whispered, choking on a sob that rocked his whole body. Zephyr climbed off of Phantom and scurried away from him until he was at a safe distance. The soft wall made out of mattresses served as a comforter for the small ghost, but it could not compare to the soft, meaningful hug from his grandpa. One that he would never receive again after this day.

"I... I can't re-return." He wiped away the free falling tears away with the back of his hand, but other followed and stained his cheeks again. Zephyr just sat there curled up, hoping for the world to disappear.

"Do something!" Danny hissed directly at Phantom while pointing a nonexistent finger at the crying figure.

"Why should I? That brat just beat the living shit out of me!" Dan argued after finally lifting himself off of the ground.

"You can't be so ignorant, Dan." The third voice whined. "As you can see, he was supposed to kill you, but he didn't. After hearing what he said, do you think he can return home and forget everything? No. Zephyr has given up everything tonight. His happiness, his home, his family, all just to save you."

"I didn't ask for it! I didn't ask to be saved..." Dan admitted quietly, staring at the ground. He wanted to live, truly. Finally reconnecting with Danny was one of the reasons other than pure survival, but was it worth it? Not that he really cared, but was it worth all the pain, his and others?

The place was quiet, save for a few sobs and hiccups. No one dared to break the overall silence in fear of the other's reaction. The risk was just too great.

As soon as Zephyr's crying died down completely, he had already made up his mind. He wouldn't kill Phantom. Zephyr would return home, spreading the lie of Phantom's death. He deduced that Ryan wouldn't be a problem in this situation since he wanted no part in it in the first place. Just convincing him of the ghost's death should be enough. The rest was only up to Dan, really. It was up to him to run and hide if he wanted to save his life. Granted, it wouldn't be the best life, living in hiding, but if he cherished his existence, he would do it.

If he didn't, it would be the downfall of both ghosts; Phantom's death and Zephyr's abandonment.

"If you want to survive, you should go and hide. You have no other option." The boy's emotionless eyes showed Dan how serious he was being. If the annoying and bubbly little ghost gave in like this, the situation was really bad.

Zephyr cast the ghost one final glance before he shot upwards and disappeared. Once outside, he spotted Ryan sitting at a nearby building, mindlessly staring at the city below. When he noticed Zephyr's approach, a small relieved smile appeared on his face.

"Done?" He asked, waiting for some proof. The boy was quiet, but the blood was enough to speak for him. His hands and clothes were covered in it.

"Glad it's over?"

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