Chapter 4: An Unexpected Encounter.

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"Mom!" Said Willow through the phone. "I don't want to."

"But Willow," Said her mother. "You have to think about it, this is their first time in Onyxscar. We're their tenants, so we should guide them through."

"But mom I'm working."

"You'll be done soon anyway." Said Venice. "And they'll be at Smol Bean soon."

"Did you tell them?" Asked Willow. "Mom! You can't do that. How will they get here in the first place?"

"They can get a cab to Smol Bean."

"Can't they take cabs throughout Onyxscar?"

"Be reasonable." Venice said again.

Willow started working at Smol Bean for the summer. Her mother didn't want her to when her school was going on, but now that it was her vacation she was allowed to. Willow didn't mind working at Smol Bean. The other workers might not be bright as sunshine but they didn't bother her and not many from school came to Smol Bean anyway, so it was all good.

Summer can be boring when your best friend is away, so coming to Smol Bean helped her with not wasting her time, at least she's making money.

Melody Watts was her only best friend at Onyxscar High. They were pretty close but every summer she was sent to some boot camp by her parents. The same camp where more than half of the school's population went to. The same camp where Hunter went to. She shuddered at the thought of him.

"You'll do it won't you?" Said her mother.

The door to the staff room opened as her manager stepped in and pointed at his watch and then pointed outside.

"Fine I'll do it." Said Willow giving in not willing to but she knew there was no way out, her mother was quite stubborn.

"I love you Willow, take care and have fun." Said her mother.

Sighing she pocketed her phone.

"Willow," Said her manager, who was already out. "Be quick."


Willow headed to the kitchen in the back, the atmosphere seemed to have changed, she could actually feel the atmosphere going all bright sunshine. Ignoring whatever was in the air she held the tray she was given in her right hand, pasting a smile on her face she headed outside the kitchen.

She walked over to table number 9 where she was supposed to serve.

"Here is your Choco Latte sir I hop-JR?" Said Willow. "What are you doing here?"

"Willow?" JR's eyes went wide. "What are you doing here?"

Willow pointed at her pastel green blouse and her pastel pink skirt, which was supposed to be her uniform. "Isn't it obvious?"

Jamie-Ray Tanner was Melody's Boyfriend. He was Hunter's best friend but was nothing like Hunter. He was the nicest person in Hunter's group of friends. He even helped at the Animal Shelter whenever he could as a volunteer. He had always tried to stop the kids in school from bullying her and Hunter too whenever he was present. So she was mostly safe when she was with Melody and JR, but when with them she was mostly a Steve, she didn't like that part.

But she often felt like Melody and JR were made for each other, they were so alike and yet they weren't. Willow didn't like JR at first but he was so nice to hate. She knew that he'll never hurt Melody, Melody herself would never hurt him.

"You work here." Said JR, stating the obvious. "I didn't know that." He looked shaken.

Willow didn't know why he was acting weird but she didn't push it. "Shouldn't you be at the camp?" Asked Willow. "Melody did-"

Melody didn't return yet. Why was JR here? The drink she had just served wasn't something Melody liked, she hates coffee. It all clicked in.

"Why are you here Jamie-Ray?" She asked again, not bothering to call him by his nickname.

"You should get out of here." He said.

"Woah, you are here cheating on Melody," Said Willow, she couldn't believe this was happening. Melody didn't even tell her about this. What if she didn't know about Jamie-Ray cheating on her? "Aren't you?"

"What?" JR looked confused now. Willow couldn't believe this. He was a good actor. All these months she had been thinking of him as the nicest person alive, yet here he was. She didn't know how she would tell Melody about this. Melody would be heartbroken. She even believed that JR was her soulmate. "I'm not cheating on her. What are you talking about?"

"Then what are you doing here?" Said Willow. "You should be at the boot camp, with Melody."

"I had to come back," Said JR. "Because of some family issues."

"Then why are you shocked?" Said Willow. "You look scared."

"I-" He was now looking behind her, his eyes widening. But before she turned she knew who the person was, she felt him. No. Not him. Anyone but him.

When it comes to him she was always left speechless. Even when she wanted to retaliate she couldn't, he demanded respect and looking into his onyx eyes was impossible. He was none other than Hunter Reed, who was popularly known as Alpha. He was feared throughout the school, even the teachers feared him. And he hated Willow, she didn't know why but he did. She had done nothing to him, yet he hated her.

Willow couldn't bring herself to hate him, she wanted to hate him but she couldn't. Instead, her heart beat faster every time she saw him and her cheeks went red, and Willow knew it wasn't mostly fear. She was helpless when it came to him, both internally and externally.

"You should start doing you job properly." Was the first thing she had heard from him after all those days of not seeing him. Her heart was beating twice the times than it always does, she could feel the blood rushing to her face. "Oh goddess, my day was going so well. Now that you are here, I fear that it's gonna go bad."

"I'm sorry." She said, not really sorry but she couldn't help it. "Enjoy your drink." She said.

"Enjoy?" He said. "How do you expect us to? Call your manager."

She looked up at him in astonishment.

"Hunter, don't." Said JR, but he was ignored.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Said Hunter. "Call your manager." Everyone was now turning around to look at them, the manager too noticed.

"Alpha?" Mason, her manager said. She couldn't believe this. Even the manager? "Can I help you?"

"Fire her." Said Hunter.

"Fire?" Said her manager. "Did she do something wrong?"

"Are you objecting me?" Hunter's tone might have made anyone piss.

"No Alpha." Mason said, he turned to Willow. "You heard him." She could see that he didn't want to, but it didn't matter. Everyone bowed to Hunter, and he knew that.

She was going to quit the job anyway. She had started working only for the summer and there were only two weeks left for her school to start.

She walked away to the staff room, the whole cafe was quiet. She was sure something like this had never happened here. Her face was burning but she was not going to cry. No she wouldn't give Hunter the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She had her pride.

Changing out of her uniform and picking her bag up, she left. Not taking the back door, knowing that the other workers might be gossiping in there about the scandal. Not much happens in here.

Telling herself repeatedly that no one was watching her, especially Hunter, but that was hard since she could feel his stare on her back, she walked out and bumped into Rowan at the door.

"Hey," He said. "Why do you look sad?" That was the last resort, she couldn't stop the tears from flowing down.

Her pride misted out and so she broke down in his arms.


A/n: Yes, Hunter is a Karen...

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