Chapter 29: Insecurities.

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Willow gasped as Rowan punched Hunter. Again. And again.

Willow wanted to clutch over her heart and ask how. How does Rowan still look graceful while bashing on someone's face. Anger was evident on Rowan's face as he pushed his hair back, off his forehead.

"How dare you touch my mate?" Rowan's voice came out low but deep. Every word he said felt so menacing that even Willow felt a shiver run up her spine.

As Rowan was about to land another punch, Hunter, as if snapping out of whatever spell that he was under, grabbed onto Rowan's fist and twisted it. Rowan pulled his hand back, Hunter using this time to get off the floor, that he was lying in.

Hunter, now on his feet, punched Rowan, which he dodged, then Hunter scratched—like the pussy that he is—at Rowan, on his chest.

No one dared to stop them.

Willow's eyes widened, at times like these, it made her regret that she didn't join the karate classes that she should have had long ago. Then she would have stepped in and landed a roundhouse kick on Hunter's abdomen. Call her a hypocrite, but she'd still support Rowan, though it was Hunter with a broken nose and gashes on his lips with a black eye to top it off. She would support Rowan, unless he cheats on her, then someone is going to lose a nose and hair, yes, Rowan would get a Voldemort makeover.

Hunter doubled over when Rowan kneed him in the stomach, while in that position, he pulled at Rowan's thigh, making Rowan lose his balance and fall back. Hunter then landed a punch square on Rowan's jaw.

"She is not your mate!" Growled Hunter.

Willow couldn't take it, so she charged forward, since no one seemed to be making a move. She was ready to use her bag like a baseball bat and she did. She smacked it right on Hunter's head.

Willow almost choked, when Hunter landed far into the restroom, smacking the wall. She stared at her bag and wondered when did she transform into Thor. But what she saw from the corner of her eyes disappointed her. She saw Rowan's hands held forward as if he had pushed Hunter off himself.

But the disappointment misted away when Rowan jumped up to his feet in a swift movement and pulled her in a tight embrace before cupping her cheek.

"Are you okay?" Rowan's eyes were searching everywhere on her face. "Did he do anything to you? Did he touch you anywhere?" At that Rowan threw the dirtiest glare at his shoulder where Hunter was now already standing on his feet, Willow felt like he had just taken his sweet time swimming in a pool called anger.

"I'm fine." Willow whispered as she peeked over Rowan's shoulder at Hunter who was charging forward like a mad bull. Willow wondered if he had missed his medicine in the morning. The way he was acting was so unlike the normal Hunter, who had a blank face most of the time or a scowl whenever their eyes meet. "Can we leave?"

Just then Hunter threw punch at Rowan, making Willow feel that Hunter was such a backstabber. Rowan spun just in time to avoid the punch.

But unlike earlier, the onlookers, who were acting like they had just had a staring contest with Medusa, moved. Or atleast some of them.

JR went over to restraint Hunter and Jason soon followed. Felix, came over, reluctantly, but what shocked Willow was what he was holding in his hand.

Willow raised her brows at the empty popcorn packet.

"What?" Felix didn't even look guilty. "I was enjoying myself."

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