Chapter 35: Suspicions.

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Willow munched on salt and vinegar chips as she watched the Great Gatsby with Lark. She looked at the clock in the living room, waiting for Melody to arrive as she had a lot of questions piled up.

"I didn't know humans committed necromancy." Said Lark, pulling the packet of chips out of her hands.

Willow raised her brows and pursed her lips. "What do you mean?"

"That man, I saw him die." Lark pointed at Jay Gatsby on screen.

"You saw him die? When?" Willow wondered who scammed poor Lark by masquerading as Leonardo DiCaprio.

"On the day before yesterday."

Two days ago was when Rowan had left. Willow scrunched her eyebrows, she also remembered that Lark had been crying secretly that day. Willow's eyes widened in realization. Lark had cried after watching Titanic.

Willow sighed. "Have you ever watched a play?"

"Of course, I have."

"Then, don't the characters die sometimes?" Asked Willow. "In the play."

"You mean," Lark's eyes widened. "You mean that this was all a play? The people in there," Lark pointed at the television. "Aren't real?"

Willow took a deep, with a sad face, she shook her head.

Lark stated at her in disbelief. As if in a trance he turned to look at Leonardo DiCaprio.

Willow heard the doorbell going off. She got off the couch and looked at the sad Lark. "And that's my cue." She felt that she should give him some space.

Willow opened the door to see Melody standing before her, with her purple hair tied up in a pony and wearing JR's hoodie.

"Hey!" Melody smiled.

"Come in." Willow opened the door up wider.

Melody looked at Lark who was staring dumbly at the flat screen. "What's up with him?"

"Don't mind him, he just heard an earth shattering news."

Willow lead Melody to her room. "I wanna ask you something." Said Willow as she shut the door.

"What is it?" asked Melody, sitting on the bean bag.

"A few days ago, you said that Hunter is my mate." Willow stared Melody straight in the eyes. "Why would you say that?"

Melody sighed, as if to say 'not this shit again'. "A year back," said Melody. "Hunter indeed found his mate and you were his mate."

Willow flinched. She didn't even like the thought of being Hunter's mate.

"But then, he rejected you."

"Rejected me?" Willow's eyes widened. She did remember that day, when he had labelled her as the 'Reject' and she even remembered her recent recurring dreams.

"Yeah, when someone doesn't want their soulmate, they reject them. But rejection is looked down upon in society. Mates are in general blessings from the Goddess and rejecting a mate is like rejecting the blessing given by the Goddess, which ends up being a curse.

"Rejecting your mate will weaken both the people involved. The rejected will mostly die, death is like a blessing compared to living and watching your mate move on."

Willow thought about how in her dreams she had ended up dying after being rejected. "But if he is indeed my mate, then why am I alive?"

"I don't know. You almost died, the pack doctor was sure that you won't make it through the night. JR and I, we bought you to my house since your mother was away."

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