Chapter 13: Jealousy.

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The ride to the party was quiet besides Panic! At The Disco going on the radio, but the car was stiff with tension. Willow knew that Melody wanted to ask why she brought Rowan and Felix along with her.

After a long time Melody did turn to her from the passenger seat. Her expression said everything that she wanted to ask: Why are they here?

Willow shook her head, making sure it wasn't obvious: Not now.

Melody's eyes widened and her mouth opened up as if asking: If not now, then when?

Willow reassured her giving her a single nod: Later, at the party. Now stop, we don't want to be caught here.

Melody still looked displeased: Okay, I'll be waiting.

Melody turned back in her seat, facing the front.

Willow caught Rowan staring at her from the corner of her eyes. Turning to him, she smiled at him hoping at he didn't notice the exchange between her and Melody.

Rowan's face was blank. He turned back to waiting the the houses flash by. A lump formed up in Willow's throat. That is how it's been for a while. It was as if the Rowan she once knew all this time was just putting up an act. Gone was the boy she knew for more than a week.

It hurt, when she was met with this behavior of his. For the past week, she had been trying to talk to him but he had either avoided it or only gave short replies, making it obvious he wanted to end the conversation. It had been the worst week of her life, she felt like she was back to the first day of her sophomore year. Back when Hunter had confronted her. Back when all of her friends started leaving her, back when she became a sheep for those wolves to eat. Or more like to dominate over.

Since Willow was stuck in the middle, she couldn't lean forward on the front seat to hide from the world, so she had to lean back on her seat and shut her eyes. Her hand griping her sling bag tightly.

She reasoned with herself that she shouldn't cry over this, on top of that she even had makeup on her face, but it was all it was all in vain since she felt the tears gaining behind her eyelids. She breathed in deeply, calming her raging heart and her reddened eyes.

She was suddenly angry. Angry at Rowan's behavior. Angry at herself more than anything else. Angry that she had plunged into the pool of feelings the moment a breathtakingly handsome boy was kind to her. That must have been it! He must have been aware of her growing feelings and must not feel that way about her. But he didn't have to take this measure. He could have simply confronted her and, well rejected her. It would have hurt but this behavior killed her. She would have come to accept her unwanted feelings and gotten over them hopefully soon.

From all this she came to the conclusion that,

a) Rowan had a girlfriend.

b) Rowan was aware of her feelings and didn't think of her as a girlfriend material.

c) Rowan has double personalities.

d) All of the above.

Or maybe he just didn't want to do anything with her anymore.

"You didn't have to come if you don't want to." Said Willow opening her eyes, surprising herself at how calm her voice sounded.

Rowan looked over at her. "Who said that?"

"No one," Paused Willow. "But you don't seem like you wanted to come in the first place. We can drop you back or somewhere else. If you have a place you want to visit."

Rowan seemed to consider it, before he shook his head. "I want to come." He turned back to watch the window, ending the conversation just like that. Bring the car back to it silence with Brendon Urie who was about to hit the last chorus about the death of a bachelor.

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