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Brett and fellow werewolf Lori are running through the rain at Beacon Hills High School pursued by assassins with crossbows. They run onto the lacrosse field and the banks of overhead lights begin to come on one by one. Several red laser sites find Brett and he tells Lori to get to close her eyes. Just as one of the arrows homes in on him, Kira's sword flashes through and deflects it. She yells for them to run and covers their escape by deflecting arrow after arrow.


Scott grabs his motorcycle helmet and an extra one for Liam. He says Kira found Satomi's pack and they need to go. Liam hesitates. He explains that he's not like Scott and he says he doesn't mean strength or werewolf control. He wonders at the fact that Scott and his friends try to protect everyone. He asks, "how are you all still alive?" to which Scott says "not all of us are." Scott offers to take Liam home. 


Stiles is at the hospital with a concussion and Melissa says she won't let him leave without a CT scan. He points out that he still hasn't paid for the last one. Melissa insists that his father has Meredith at the station and that it will take some time to get her to talk and that there really isn't anything Stiles needs to do but stay put. Stiles agrees but asks her to find him a cassette player. He has the tape Brunski made when he killed Lorraine Martin. 


Sheriff Stilinski is getting nowhere questioning Meredith and tells Lydia he needs a psychologist or a medium. Lydia questions if Meredith is competent enough to be charged with something. The sheriff says if Meredith is The Benefactor "she was competent enough to trick Kate into opening the Hale Vault, competent enough to blackmail Brunski into helping her and competent enough to create a hitlist and payout money for its completion." He says she's practically a criminal mastermind and he wants to find out how the payments from the Dead Pool work so he can stop it. Lydia agrees that they don't just need to stop the Dead Pool, they need to stop the money. 


Scott arrives at the animal clinic and is reunited with Kira. They kiss and he asks about her mother's injury. Kira says Noshiko is healing and shows Scott the remaining members of Sapack that she has gathered at the clinic to hide. Satomi says she already knows Scott. Lori asks if they are safe at the Clinic. Scott looks around at Satomi and the seven members of her pack, all wounded, grouped in the exam room. He says they're going to need a lot of help.


Selene disables the guard at a warehouse and throws him through a door. Another guard comes up from behind and she turns around. She lifts the gaurd up and then throws him against the ground, hard.

"All clear. I think you need to do the rest" Selene says and Argent walks through the door.

"I know you don't agree with this-"

"That's an understatement" Selene cuts him off.

"We might need him"

"I can imagine none, and I mean literally, NO situation where we would need him"

"Not yet, and hey maybe we might never use it"

"Or we do use it and he kills us all" Chris shakes his head and walks towards the middle of the room. A single stalk of flowering yellow wolfsbane is standing here like a throphy.


Lydia is sleeping in the Sheriff's Station while the psychologist is questioning Meredith. Once they're done, the sheriff tells her he should have gone with the medium. Parrish reports that they've gone through Brunski's office and found nothing. Both he and the Sheriff want Lydia to go home and get some rest considering what she's been through over the past several hours. She insists on staying and insists on questioning Meredith herself reminding them that she's gotten through to the other before. 

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