Memory Lost

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A flat tire leaves Liam and Hayden stranded on a lonely road. As the breeze rustles the trees and falling leaves sweep across the ground, Liam looks up as if he senses something but shakes it off. Hayden makes fun of his used SUV, but when he says they don't have a jack to lift the vehicle to change the tire, she lifts it herself. Liam is also without a spare so they can't fix the tire.

They laugh about how funny/bad their dating life is, briefly mentioning "the double date," "New Year's" "Christmas" with Liam's parents, and "that time your sister almost ..." Liam suggests getting stranded in the middle of nowhere could be their "best date yet." They kiss. They notice he Northern Lights filling up the sky above them. A car is slowly driving toward them. Thinking the driver of the car might have a spare tire, the couple tries to flag them down. The car rolls slowly past them and comes to rest next to a fence.

They investigate and find the windshield reduced to a jagged hole. The passenger side door is missing. Inside they find a boy hiding in the backseat. He shouts, "Don't let them take me. Don't let them take me too."

Scott and Stiles: Crimefighters

The Sheriff inspects claw marks in the hood of a delivery van. A paramedic straps a cast onto Stiles' arm. Stiles explains that he and Scott were trying to persuade the driver of the van to pull over. Scott attempted this by going full red-eyed on the hood of the speeding vehicle. While they stopped the van, the driver got away. The boys thought the criminal mastermind stole something valuable, but the van carries only helium tanks.

As Scott drives Stiles' Jeep later, he muses that not finding a huge criminal problem might be a good thing. He thinks it means Beacon Hills can get along without them which clears the way for them to move away to attend college. Stiles disagrees saying the town would burn to the ground without them. Scott repeats that the town doesn't need them but at that moment Stiles' phone rings. It's his father, "They need us!" he shouts.

The Boy from the Car

Sheriff Stilinski has the boy from the car, Alex, in the office at the Sheriff's Station. He explains that, while the boy can't remember what happened to his parents, they have "an unusual method" that will hurt but might help him remember. Scott and Stiles arrive, and Scott plunges his claws into the back of Alex's neck.

Scott sees Alex and his parents riding in their car. Alex's mom is worried that the R-rated movie they just saw was too scary for her son. He says he wasn't scared. Alex's father says he was terrified. Suddenly there's a man on horseback blocking the road in front of them. He dismounts, pulls out his pistol and walks toward the vehicle. The rider pulls the trigger and a barely visible wave of energy shoots from the gun and blows out the windshield.

The rider jumps on the hood and pulls Alex's father through the windshield. Suddenly the rider is standing next to the passenger side of the car, rips off the door and grabs Alex's mother. She grabs the gear shift as she is ripped from the car, shifting the vehicle into gear before the rider pulls her away.

Scott breaks the connection. He explains what he saw, a man on a horse with a gun. The sheriff believes that it is a non-supernatural crime, but Scott says he got a feeling. Alex speaks up and says "They're coming back. They're coming for me."

The Pack Investigates

Lydia examines the broken windshield. Alex's car is now in the Sheriff's Station impound lot. She gingerly touches the glass then moves around and sits in the driver's seat. She looks up toward the rearview mirror and sighs. Thinking she's sensed something, Stiles eagerly jumps up in the backseat. Lydia examines herself for a second and says her eyeshadow is the perfect shade for her. Stiles asks her to stay on topic. She says she's not sensing anything with her Banshee abilities.

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